Stephanie Rousselle ~ A Journey from Atheism to Savoring Gospel Spice

Fierce Calling - A podcast by Doris Swift - Tuesdays

Happy New Year and welcome to the first episode of Fierce Calling 2021! What better way to start off this new year then to hear how God captured the heart of a French atheist teen, who thought her only purpose for coming to the US was to learn English. But God had other plans for Stephanie... In today’s episode, A Journey from Atheism to Savoring Gospel Spice, I’m talking with my friend Stephanie Rousselle. (Friend, if you're viewing this post via email, the podcast player to listen to this episode can be found here) From Atheism to Christianity, Stephanie shares her journey of discovering the many layers of spice the Gospel offers, and how her Gospel Spice Ministry is helping others taste and see that the Lord is good. I know what Stephanie has to say will encourage, inspire, and challenge you, so listen in while I have a chat with Stephanie Rousselle... Thanks for Listening! Favorite Quotes from the Show "Are you going to just ignore and shove to the side what you have discovered to be true historically, but you can't make sense of spiritually, or are you going to dare to take a step of faith?"Stephanie Rousselle, Gospel Spice Ministries "He will meet us wherever we are; there is no place He will not travel for us..."Stephanie Rousselle, Gospel Spice Ministries Connect with Stephanie! You can connect with Stephanie at where you'll find info about Gospel Spice Ministries and the Gospel Spice Podcast. She'd love to hear from you! Stephanie is passionate about helping others see that God is beautiful, enthralling, and so much more than we could ever imagine. She delights in coming alongside followers of Jesus, using her gifts to help them walk deeper and taste new spices in their intimacy with Him. Her fierce calling is to inspire others to pursue God fiercely. Grab Stephanie's 100% French Recipe! Remember that French recipe Stephanie talked about in the show? As promised, the link below contains the recipe booklet she mentioned: Please download it and let us know how it turns out! Stephanie Rousselle is the founder of Gospel Spice Ministries. Her motto is, “God’s glory, our delight!” She is a wife, mom, podcaster, public speaker, Bible teacher, former women’s ministry director and strategy consultant. And she is 100% French. Born and raised in France, she has lived for her One over the last two decades on three continents, four countries and five cities through six professional roles. Her current Gospel Spice Ministries Team is made of seven women! She thrives on Bible-centered inspirational writing and speaking, and dark chocolate. She has been teaching Scripture to thousands over the last 20 years in France, the UK, Africa and the US, and now to thousands more on all six continents through the Gospel Spice Podcast. Stay awhile... I would also love to connect with you, so reach out to me on my contact page at I invite you to join my community of women who receive inspirational messages, helpful resources, and updates on podcast and book news! When you join my email list for free, I’ll send you this free gift... Grab it here: Simple Tips for Sharing Your Faith!,