The Challenges in Preventing Financial Crime with Matis Maeker

Financial Crime Matters - A podcast by Kieran Beer (ACAMS)


“It will happen to you: sooner or later, all financial institutions will be in the midst of a new scheme or scandal,” Matis Maeker, head of Estonia’s Financial Supervisory Authority warns. Drawing on his experience addressing the scandals involving money laundering out of the Russian Federation and as a leader in Estonia’s effort to build a tougher AML/CFT regime, Matis, talks with Kieran about the challenges faced by both supervisory authorities and the entities they oversee in preventing financial crime. A lawyer with Estonia’s FSA since 2012 and head of the authority’s AML/CFT department for the past two-years, Maeker also shares lessons from the “AML Compliance Book: 150 Golden Rules,” which he has just co-authored with his colleague Andre Nomm. A member of the MONEYVAL Bureau and also an alternate member of the European Banking Authority Anti-Money Laundering Standing Committee, Matis has been a speaker at a number of ACAMS conferences. His “AML Compliance Book: 150 Golden Rules”is available from a number of sources, including