Episode 152: Development of Financial Personalities with Vince Shorb

Financial Freedom Podcast - A podcast by Steven J. Richardson, Esq. - Fridays


In the last episode I talked with Jake Cousineau, a California educator who teaches financial literacy to high school students. But looking into this further I discovered that attitudes about money (called Financial Personalities) form way before a child reaches high school. Thus, teaching children from an early age (as I discussed in Episode 130) becomes very important. That’s why in this episode of the podcast I talk with Vince Shorb, a financial wellness advocate and educator, who has developed curricula to shape financial personalities early in a child’s life. In this episode you will learn: What a Financial Personality Is When They Are Formed How Parents and Teachers Can Guide How They Are Formed Why People Make Financial Decisions That Don’t Align With Their Goals About the Behavioral Aspects of Money