How to Handle Job Rejection, with Añuli Ola-Olaniyi

Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips for Finding Work, Advancing your Career, and Loving Your Job - A podcast by Mac Prichard - Wednesdays


Anyone who has gone through a job search can tell you that rejection is par for the course. Even the most skilled professionals have failed more than once. And even perfect candidates can lose out on a job because of something outside of their control. One of the keys to a successful job search is to maintain positivity and perspective in the face of regular rejection. To do this, you need to be vulnerable, share your feelings, and lean on your support network to maintain your confidence and keep moving forward toward bigger and better things. On this episode of Find Your Dream Job, we welcomed our first African female guest, author and career coach Añuli Ola-Olaniyi! Añuli explains how to manage failure in your job search and turn rejection into a learning opportunity. About Our Guest: Añuli Ola-Olaniyi Añuli Ola-Olaniyi is the founder of HEIR (, a social enterprise created to help young women build capacity and learn career skills. Añuli hosts the Hire Me Bootcamp (, a training platform for millennials. She is certified in project management, HR, and digital skills. And she regularly speaks, facilitates and writes about jobs and careers. Resources in this Episode:   New Tool: Inspiration for workers over 50 in a new report: 10 Advantages of Retaining and Hiring Older Workers: Lessons from NYC Small Businesses ( from Columbia Mailman School of Public Health.   Listener Question: New college grad Kendra wrote in from Walla Walla, Wash. to ask if she should hide her tattoos during job interviews.    More from Añuli Ola-Olaniyi: Follow along as Añuli grows her business on Twitter at @heirwoman and @anuli Learn more about your ad choices. Visit