Build Your House on the Rock

Finish Well - A podcast by Finish Well Team - Tuesdays

Build Your House on the Rock In “Build Your House on the Rock,” Episode, #122, Meredith Curtis shares how we can survive the storms of life with the rock-solid Word of God! Meredith relates Matthew 7:24-27 to parenting and homeschooling, giving insights and practical tips for various ages and seasons of life. If you want to thrive in your Christian life and pass the baton of faith to your children, you will love this podcast! .         Powerline Productions, Inc. Bringing Homeschool Joy to Families Everywhere!       Show Notes Every family goes through storms. Is your family going through a storm right now or is everything smooth sailing? Let Jesus Do the Building Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it (Psalm 127:1) Jesus said to build our house on the rock, but He also tells us that the Lord needs to build our house. So, building starts with surrender. Accept Reality: Life is Full of Good Times & Bad Times He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous (Matthew 5:45 NASB). I'm sorry to tell you that storms will come. You might face a job loss or rebellious child. When bad times come, it doesn't mean God is against you. It's just part of living in a fallen world. Be Proactive in Trusting God In Matthew 6:25-33, Jesus reminds us to not worry, but instead trust God. Usually our worries are about finances, health, or children, making us feel so anxious. 1. Seek the Kingdom of God first in all areas (spend time with the Lord, tithe, share the Gospel, pray for missionaries, build up other believers, etc.) 2. Pray for all your needs and pour your worries out to Him (casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you--I Peter 5:7). Put God’s Word Into Practice God's Word is true! We can trust it! We can unwrap all the promises in His Word and enjoy them! We can walk in biblical principles because they are designed to bless us. We discover who Jesus is in the Bible. And reading His Word helps build us closer to Him. As we pour our worries out to Jesus, our relationship with Him is strengthened. Beyond reading the Bible with our children and teaching them to obey, we want them to grow up knowing that Jesus is alive! He loves them! He cares about them! His ways are good! As they pray about their own worries and let Jesus build in their lives, a strong faith grows and grows. It is this relationship with Jesus that is the strength of a Christian home, allowing us to stand firm when the storms come. Create Memorial Stones God commanded the Israelites to leave memorial stones at the Jordan River to remind them of God’s faithfulness. Create ways to remember how God got you through! Sign up for our Newsletter Sign up for our newsletter and get your copy of 100 Homeschool Hacks. You can sign up here.               Resources