Home is the Best Place to Raise Leaders

Finish Well - A podcast by Finish Well Team - Tuesdays

Home is the Best Place to Raise Leaders In “Home is the Best Place to Raise Leaders,” Episode, #130, Meredith Curtis reveals the reasons your home is the perfect place to raise up the next generation of leaders. In fact, a loving family atmosphere instills virtue, confidence, and communication skills that government-schooled children lack. Once you’re convinced home is best, how do you instill the character traits and life skills necessary for your children to stand tall in their generation? Meredith gives you practical wisdom to raise leaders at home!       Powerline Productions, Inc. Bringing Homeschool Joy to Families Everywhere!   Show Notes The world needs confident men and women of integrity who will lead in their homes, churches, communities, and nations. Natural-Born Leaders Natural gifting but may not truly care for those who follow him/her. If you are raising a natural-born leader, make sure to train them to be a godly leader. Godly Leaders Godly leadership is a combination of character, love, and skill. Godly leaders who make wise decisions and lead people in a way that is good and right. These men and women are rare. Home Sweet Home In the home where Jesus is Lord and His ways are put into practice, children flourish. Family members learn to love one another, treat one another with respect, work through conflict honorably, and serve those around us. Lovers of God In a home where Jesus is loved, the Bible is obeyed, and problems are attacked with prayer, children grow up to trust the Lord. A relationship with Jesus is the foundation for good leadership. As we humbly walk with God, He gives us all that we need to leader the people He loves. Confidence A home filled with lovingkindness produces children that are confident. They are willing to try new things and even fail because they know that failures don't define them. You see, leaders take risks and sometimes they make mistakes. Leaders have to deal with criticism and rejection. This requires confidence! Teachers/Mentors Parents that value education and use all of life to teach their children produce kids who love to learn. A lifestyle of learning creates a sense of wonder in a child and often a strong desire to pass on what they learn to others.   Integrity Children who are raised to do the right thing no matter who is watching and keep their word even if it's inconvenient grow up to be men and women of integrity. They tell the truth, keep their promises, and expect others to do the same. I cannot emphasize how important this is. Integrity is a virtue that is being lost in our day. Effective Communicators Communication is at the heart of leadership. In the age of technology, leaders often have to be able to speak, text, email, blog, and give sound bites, along with being an example of what they are teaching. Children who are treated with respect and engage in meaningful conversations with adults grow up to be good communicators with good manners. Yes, manners matter. Simple courtesies that demonstrate respect to others make a huge difference. Leaders must also handle conflict and be able to disagree with others in a respectful way. Servant Hearts