Reimagine Teen Ministry

Finish Well - A podcast by Finish Well Team - Tuesdays

Reimagine Teen Ministry In “Reimagine Teen Ministry,” Episode, #207, join Meredith Curtis to reimagine family ministry in the 21st century. How can teens and their families reach this generation and build up God’s forever family? The answers take us back to Scripture, uses updated technology, and involve love that flows from knowing Christ. Reach your city and reach the world while growing closer as a family!           Powerline Productions, Inc. Bringing Homeschool Joy to Families Everywhere!   Show Notes Your teens and children are not the church of tomorrow; they are the church of today. Children & Teens Who Served God Joseph, Samuel, David, Naaman’s servant girl, Daniel, Boy with his lunch Teens are Passionate Teens are wired for Passion! If they don’t find it serving God, they will look elsewhere Reimagine Ministry Great Commission Creation Mandate Call to Love Ways Teens Can Serve * Set an Example * Lead a Bible Study * Teach Sunday School * Greeting * Sound Team * Worship Team * Coffee Shop * Helping Folks Move * Sharing Testimony * Coaching * Reaching Out to Fatherless Children * Create a Website * Create a Podcast * Create a YouTube Channel * Read to the Blind * Drama, Plays, Skits * Helping Elderly * Soup Kitchen * Witnessing at the Mall, Arcade, Downtown * VBS * Painting, Yard Work * Mission Trips Choose a Ministry * Need * Teen’s Gifting * Prompting of Holy Spirit * Fit * Parent’s Blessing * Emotional Maturity * Spiritual Maturity * Training Opportunity Sign up for our Newsletter Sign up for our updates and get your copy of 100 Homeschool Hacks FREE. Sign up here.           Homeschool Resources: Shop at       Thank You to our Network Sponsor – CTC Math!