#4 Growth Mindset in Finnish Education | Dr. Kirsi Tirri |
Finnish Education Perspectives - A podcast by Melissa Georgiou

Dr. Kirsi Tirri is a Full Professor of Education in the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Helsinki. She is also a Visiting Professor at St. John’s University, New York, USA, and serves on multiple boards and associations in the field of education and research. Dr. Kirsi was elected as a member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters in 2006 and was the President of the Academy for the years 2016–2017. She serves on 13 Editorial Boards of educational journals and has supervised over 20 doctoral dissertations. Her research interests include school pedagogy, moral and religious education, talent development and gifted education, teacher education and cross-cultural studies. I have read somewhere that Kirsi is an administrator's dream faculty member. Well, she is certainly a dream podcast guest and insightful educator whose enthusiasm shines through as she guides us through the fundamentals of growth mindset and why it’s so important in today’s classroom. During this joyful chat Dr. Kirsi talks about: The background of fixed and growth mindset. How growth mindset helps us approach challenges and failures. Why teachers are such important players in the growth mindset field. The fascinating growth mindset research she leads at the University of Helsinki and some of its outcomes. Some practical tips for teachers to start a growth mindset culture in their classroom that goes beyond positive affirmations. Growth mindset is an interesting theory to investigate and try on for size as a teacher, leader or parent. It allows us to ‘keep on keeping on’, especially in the face of failure. If you’re curious about my book (which Dr. Kirsi mentioned in this podcast and recommends to her university students) you can find the e-version here. This podcast is brought to you by EDUTEN. Finland's #1 Digital Math Learning Platform. Sign up HERE for a free 4-week trial and your students will never look back! Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Facebook Follow us on LinkedIn