Fire Draw Near - A podcast by Ian Lynch


Episode LII is dedicated to the memory of Shane McGowan. It features some of my favourite Pogues songs as well as tracks by John Francis Flynn, Andy the Doorbum, Dulcidrone, Of the Clay and more. Tracklist The Pogues – Boys from County Hell The Pogues – The Old Main Drag Mick Moloney and Frank Harte – Conversation, June 1982 Pandy Corporation – Polly Vaughan feat. Sive Sestri Koushlevi – Da Znaesh, Maicho, Da Znaesh Andy the Doorbum – Little Deaths: the dirge of renewal Dulcidrone – Winter Bracken John Francis Flynn – Kitty Of the Clay – Geordie The Pogues – A Pair Of Brown Eyes https://campsite.bio/firedrawnear