Fire Draw Near Episode II

Fire Draw Near - A podcast by Ian Lynch


Episode II looks at a musical motif that started off life in Scotland, made its way over to Ireland as a piping tune then travelled to America before ending up being recorded by anarcho punk band the Subhumans. Tracklist: Planxty Fanny Power Rosie Stewart – Bunch of Damned Whores Elizabeth Crotty – Touch me if you Dare / Morning Star Nora Cleary – The Holland Handkerchief Paddy in the Smoke - The Chorus Reel Will Powrie – The Drunken Piper / Highland Whiskey / High Road to Linton Paul and Jimmie McGregor - Brochan Lom, Tana Lom / Bodachan A' Mhirein Willie Clancy – Kitty Got a Clinking PJ Conlon – Phil the Fluter’s Ball Subhumans – Work Rest Play Die Brendan Behan – The Captains and The Kings Tommy Lynch – Arada Nonie Lynch – My Good Looking Man Barry Gleeson – The Girls Along the Road