First Flight #68: Season 3 Ep 3 "Extinction"
First Flight Podcast - A podcast by Abby Sommer, Chris Chaplin
Season 3 is here and First Flight, and the Carrot Crew, have many things to discuss! Chris and Abby are chatting about "Extinction" and its flames, intense squatting and moral moments. Their ongoing quest for the Xindi leads the Enterprise crew to a tropical alien world where Archer, Reed and Hoshi are exposed to a highly contagious virus that transforms their bodies and minds into those of the long extinct alien inhabitants of the planet. Season 3 Format: -Welcome & Reed Alert (spoiler warning) -Captain's Log & Haiku (episode recap) -Pros and Decons (analysis of episode) - Viewscreen On (calling out a beautiful visual shot or director's choice of shot) - Flipping Duras and/or VAMF (Vulcan as a Mother Flipper) Awards as needed -Porthos' Pick (our favorite parts) -Trivia -Vulcans' Verdict (rating the episode on a scale of 1-10 grapplers) Feel free to let us know your picks for each question so we can share them on our next Mail Bag episode. (Please note, contributions might be shared on the podcast!) Find Us on Twitter: @FirstFlightPod Abby: @abbymsommer Chris: @ShelfNerds Find Us on YouTube: First Flight's Channel: Tricorder Transmissions Network Chris' Channel : Completing the Shelf Find Us on Instagram, Mastodon, Bluesky and Facebook: @firstflightpod