First Flight #7: "The Andorian Incident"

First Flight Podcast - A podcast by Abby Sommer, Chris Chaplin


Commander Thy'lek Shran of the Andorian Imperial Guard makes his Enterprise debut! Abby Sommer and Melanie break down "The Andorian Incident", the sixth episode of season one. Run of the Show: Welcome & Reed Alert Captain's Log Subspace Transmitters (Analysis of Episode) Porthos' Pick (Our favorite parts) Trivia Vulcan's Verdict (Rating of the Episode on a scale of 1-10 grapplers) Listeners' Feedback Feel free to let us know your Porthos' Picks and Grappler Rankings, and/or your general thoughts on this episode! You can reach us @FirstFlightPod on Twitter and firstflightpod on Instagram.