Tone and Tempo

Five Star Phone Strategies - A podcast by Dave Tester


Tone and tempo make all the difference when making calls. In fact, 93% of communication on the telephone is all about tone and tempo. In-person communication is done with body language, but those all-important phone conversations are based on tone and tempo. Today, I go over actual calls to emphasize what I'm talking about. I also talk about essential keys to phone communication, like slowing down and embracing silence.  We listen to understand, not to respond. By listening, we can notice the person's personality type on the other end of the phone. Are they dominant, an influencer, steady, or compliant? There are so many vital clues we can pick up through listening. Once we understand, we can reply with the right tone and tempo to enhance our calls and get results. I go over all of this with examples in today's show.    Episode Highlights:  [00:28] We kick off with a call that emphasizes tone and tempo. A couple of keys include slowing down and embracing silence.  [01:41] Listen not to respond but to understand. One of the first things we will notice is the person's personality type. A dominant person will speak up. [02:12] An influencer likes to talk fast and sounds happy. There's also the steady and the compliant.  [03:04] Paul Harvey knows when to slow down and speed up. He's a master of tone and tempo. [04:21] An example of Tom Cruise's how to have me at hello.  [05:37] You only have to be 10% better than your competition. [06:02] It's okay to be quiet. Embrace the quiet, especially when talking to the steady. Don't rush. Tell me more and enhance. Please tell me what you're thinking. Embrace silence. [07:59] Spend time on your voice and record your calls.  [09:08] An example of Mike Rowe doing a voice-over. He's mastered his sound.  [10:24] Million dollar tip. During a call, when the person on the other line says that they are busy, respond with, "I'm busy too. What are you working on?" Use a pattern or say the unexpected.  [11:43] The secret of listening is waiting for your cue to come in. When someone answers, don't become an auction caller. [13:22] Have a script and lead the way through tone and tempo. [15:03] Start by slowing down; that's your tempo. Then, later on, work on your tempo. Be entertaining.  [16:12] Take action and share this show with a friend!   Links and Resources: Contact Dave Dialing Strangers Email Dave for a Free Copy Get Free Stuff Fearless Communication: How to Energize Your Team for Success on the Phone Paul Harvey Listening for Noises [Podcast Episode 2]