War of the Worlds - Bonus - The First Crusade
Flash Point History - A podcast by Nitin Sil

We break from the history of Al Andalus and take a quick peek on the other end of the Mediterranean. A new era in warfare begins as the Crusades would start and pit Christianity versus Islam. ANCIENT HISTORY GUY CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6gQS5SByUgXeS8DwjTgSuw Contribute on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FPHx Leave some feedback: [email protected] Follow along on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FLASHPOINTHX/ Engage on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlashpointHx YouTube Video Accompaniment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dijsGMu_4bA&t=80s MUSIC Omri Lahav - Peak of Atlas - The Road Ahead - Honor Bound - Med Waves - Tavern in the mist Aakash Gandhi (YouTube Archive) - Eyes of Glory - Spirit of the Dead Ugonna Onyekwe (YouTube Archive) - Inescapable From http://www.purple-planet.com - Cambodean Odessy - Warhammer YouTube Archive - Still Standing - Epic Battle Speech - Thunder Storm Premium Beats - Unlimited Imagination