A Cup of Coffee, a Stained Shirt, and a Lesson in Honesty
Fluent Fiction - Danish - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Danish: A Cup of Coffee, a Stained Shirt, and a Lesson in Honesty Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-cup-of-coffee-a-stained-shirt-and-a-lesson-in-honesty Story Transcript:Da: Det var en blid eftermiddag i København.En: It was a mild afternoon in Copenhagen.Da: Folk gik rundt og nød byens liv.En: People were walking around, enjoying the city's life.Da: Ingen skyer mørkede himlen.En: No clouds darkened the sky.Da: En perfekt dag for en kaffe med en ven.En: A perfect day for a coffee with a friend.Da: Lars og Mette, to gamle skolekammerater, var lige på vej til den lokale café.En: Lars and Mette, two old schoolmates, were on their way to the local café.Da: De tog plads ved et hjørnebord ved vinduet.En: They took a seat at a corner table by the window.Da: Mellem dem lå farverige kopper fyldt med varm kaffe.En: Colorful cups filled with hot coffee lay between them.Da: De grinede, talte og huskede gamle dage.En: They laughed, talked, and reminisced about old days.Da: En duft af espresso hang i luften.En: The scent of espresso hung in the air.Da: Midt i deres samtale hældte Lars ved et uheld sin kaffe på sit skød.En: In the midst of their conversation, Lars accidentally spilled his coffee on his lap.Da: Han prøvede at skjule sin smerte med et klemt smil.En: He tried to hide his pain with a forced smile.Da: Han forsøgte at virke som om alt var normalt, men hans ansigt blev mere og mere rødt.En: He tried to act like everything was normal, but his face grew more and more red.Da: Mette lagde mærke til det.En: Mette noticed it.Da: Hun så på hans røde ansigt og hans skjorte, der var blevet farvet mørkebrun af kaffen.En: She looked at his red face and his shirt, which had been stained dark brown by the coffee.Da: Hun trak på smilebåndet.En: She suppressed a smile.Da: "Hvordan går det, Lars?En: "How are you, Lars?"Da: " spurgte hun.En: she asked.Da: "Du ser lidt varm ud.En: "You look a little warm."Da: "Lars prøvede at grine af det.En: Lars tried to laugh it off.Da: "Ja, det er vist godt, jeg tog min gamle skjorte på i dag," sagde han og forsøgte at tørre kaffen af med en serviet.En: "Yes, it's probably a good thing I wore my old shirt today," he said, attempting to wipe the coffee off with a napkin.Da: Tiden gik.En: Time passed.Da: De talte stadig om deres gamle skole og delte nostalgiske minder.En: They continued talking about their old school and sharing nostalgic memories.Da: Lars fortsatte med at skjule sin smerte.En: Lars kept hiding his pain.Da: Men han kunne ikke lade være med at tænke på begivenheden, og hans humør ændrede sig lidt.En: But he couldn't help but think about the incident, and his mood changed a bit.Da: Han blev mere stille.En: He became quieter.Da: Efter et stykke tid sagde Mette: "Lars, er du sikker på, du har det godt?En: After a while, Mette said, "Lars, are you sure you're okay?"Da: ""Ja, det er bare stoffet der klistrer lidt," Lars forsøgte at lyde uforstyrret.En: "Yes, it's just the fabric sticking a bit," Lars tried to sound undisturbed.Da: De gjorde sig færdige og sagde farvel til hinanden.En: They finished up and said goodbye to each other.Da: Mette så endnu en gang på Lars.En: Mette looked at Lars once more.Da: Hun smilede og sagde til ham,...