A Magical Day in Tivoli: Love and Adventure in Copenhagen
Fluent Fiction - Danish - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Danish: A Magical Day in Tivoli: Love and Adventure in Copenhagen Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-magical-day-in-tivoli-love-and-adventure-in-copenhagen Story Transcript:Da: Det hele begyndte på en solrig lørdag morgen.En: It all began on a sunny Saturday morning.Da: Freja og Mikkel stod spændte foran hovedindgangen til Tivoli Gardens i København.En: Freja and Mikkel stood excitedly in front of the main entrance to Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen.Da: "Er du klar?"En: "Are you ready?"Da: spurgte Mikkel med et stort smil.En: asked Mikkel with a big smile.Da: Freja nikkede ivrigt.En: Freja nodded eagerly.Da: De kunne høre lyden af musik og latter fra afstand.En: They could hear the sounds of music and laughter from a distance.Da: Først gik de hen til rutsjebanen.En: First, they went to the roller coaster.Da: "Skal vi prøve den?"En: "Shall we try it?"Da: spurgte Freja nervøst.En: asked Freja nervously.Da: "Ja, kom nu!En: "Yes, come on!Da: Det bliver sjovt," sagde Mikkel opmuntrende.En: It'll be fun," said Mikkel encouragingly.Da: De stod i kø og talte om, hvilke andre forlystelser de skulle prøve.En: They stood in line and talked about which other rides they should try.Da: Efter rutsjebanen besluttede de sig for at gå over til skydeteltet.En: After the roller coaster, they decided to go over to the shooting gallery.Da: Mikkel prøvede at ramme målene.En: Mikkel tried to hit the targets.Da: Han vandt en lille bamse til Freja.En: He won a small teddy bear for Freja.Da: Freja grinede og sagde: "Tak, Mikkel.En: Freja laughed and said, "Thank you, Mikkel.Da: Du er rigtig god til det her!"En: You are really good at this!"Da: De begyndte at blive sultne, så de gik hen til madboderne.En: They started to get hungry, so they went over to the food stalls.Da: De købte flæskestegssandwich og is.En: They bought roast pork sandwiches and ice cream.Da: "Mmm, denne sandwich er så lækker," sagde Freja.En: "Mmm, this sandwich is so delicious," said Freja.Da: "Ja, og isen smager himmelsk," tilføjede Mikkel.En: "Yes, and the ice cream tastes heavenly," added Mikkel.Da: Efter frokost satte de sig på græsset foran scenen.En: After lunch, they sat on the grass in front of the stage.Da: Der skulle være en koncert om lidt.En: There was going to be a concert soon.Da: De lyttede til musikken og nød solskinnet.En: They listened to the music and enjoyed the sunshine.Da: "Er det ikke bare en perfekt dag?"En: "Isn't it just a perfect day?"Da: spurgte Freja.En: asked Freja.Da: "Jo, det er den bedste dag nogensinde," svarede Mikkel.En: "Yes, it's the best day ever," replied Mikkel.Da: Da det blev aften, tændte Tivoli de smukke lys.En: As evening fell, Tivoli lit up the beautiful lights.Da: De gik hånd i hånd gennem haven og beundrede de farverige lamper.En: They walked hand-in-hand through the gardens, admiring the colorful lamps.Da: "Se, hvor smukt der er," sagde Freja med et suk.En: "Look how beautiful it is," said Freja with a sigh.Da: "Ja, det er magisk," svarede Mikkel.En: "Yes, it’s magical," replied Mikkel.Da: Til sidst prøvede de pariserhjulet.En: Finally, they tried the Ferris wheel.Da: Det var en perfekt afslutning på dagen.En:...