Dancing in the Rain: How Lars Transformed a Gloomy Day into a Joyous Celebration

Fluent Fiction - Danish - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Danish: Dancing in the Rain: How Lars Transformed a Gloomy Day into a Joyous Celebration Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dancing-in-the-rain-how-lars-transformed-a-gloomy-day-into-a-joyous-celebration Story Transcript:Da: Lars boede i smørhullet af Danmark, nemlig København.En: Lars lived in the heart of Denmark, namely Copenhagen.Da: Der var masser af steder at gå, ting at se og mad at spise.En: There were plenty of places to go, things to see, and food to eat.Da: Men i dag, havde Lars et problemer.En: But today, Lars had a problem.Da: Himlen åbnede sig og regnen begyndte at falde.En: The sky opened up and the rain began to fall.Da: Han havde ingen paraply.En: He had no umbrella.Da: Lars var på Strøget, midt i den travle by.En: Lars was on Strøget, in the middle of the bustling city.Da: Alle skyndte sig for at finde ly for regnen.En: Everyone hurried to find shelter from the rain.Da: Men ikke Lars.En: But not Lars.Da: Han stod fast, i midten af gaden og så op på regnens skønhed.En: He stood his ground in the middle of the street and looked up at the beauty of the rain.Da: Han mærkede hver dråbe faldt på hans ansigt.En: He felt every drop falling on his face.Da: Hans tøj blev vådt.En: His clothes got wet.Da: Hans hår blev pjusket.En: His hair became messy.Da: Men lige meget, stod Lars der og følte regnen på hans ansigt.En: But regardless, Lars stood there and felt the rain on his face.Da: Folk kiggede på ham.En: People looked at him.Da: Nogen rystede på hovedet.En: Some shook their heads.Da: Andre grinede.En: Others laughed.Da: "Han er sikkert gal," tænkte en gammel dame.En: "He must be crazy," thought an old lady.Da: "Han leder nok efter noget," en ung mand sagde til hans ven.En: "He must be looking for something," a young man told his friend.Da: Alle havde en mening, men ingen vidste, hvad var sandheden.En: Everyone had an opinion, but no one knew the truth.Da: Men Lars nød det.En: But Lars enjoyed it.Da: Han smilede og begyndte at danse i midten af Strøget.En: He smiled and started to dance in the middle of Strøget.Da: Alle stoppede op for at se den mærkelige mand, der dansede i regnen.En: Everyone stopped to watch the strange man dancing in the rain.Da: En lille pige trak sin mor hen til Lars.En: A little girl pulled her mother over to Lars.Da: "Se mor, han er så sjov," sagde hun.En: "Look, mom, he's so funny," she said.Da: Hun sprang ud i regnen og begyndte at danse med Lars.En: She jumped into the rain and started dancing with Lars.Da: Snart fulgte andre børn hende.En: Soon other children followed her.Da: De sprang og dansede.En: They jumped and danced.Da: De grinede og hylede af glæde.En: They laughed and screamed with joy.Da: Snart begyndte voksne også at danse.En: Soon, adults also started to dance.Da: Till lørdelige øjeblik, havde de helt glemt regnen.En: For a magical moment, they had completely forgotten about the rain.Da: Tiden gik.En: Time passed.Da: Regnen stoppede.En: The rain stopped.Da: Men folk blev ved med at danse.En: But people continued to dance.Da: Hele gaden var fuld med glade mennesker.En: The whole street was filled with happy...