Embers of the Solstice: A Danish Tradition Revived

Fluent Fiction - Danish - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Danish: Embers of the Solstice: A Danish Tradition Revived Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/embers-of-the-solstice-a-danish-tradition-revived Story Transcript:Da: I Københavns havn, badet i det sidste gyldne lys fra en sen eftermiddagssol, står Anders.En: In the harbor of Copenhagen, bathed in the last golden light from a late afternoon sun, stands Anders.Da: Han har på fornemmelsen, at denne sommersolhverv vil være noget særligt.En: He has a feeling that this summer solstice will be something special.Da: Bølgerne breder sig blødt mod den sandede strand, og byens larm er kun et fjernt ekko.En: The waves gently spread towards the sandy beach, and the city's noise is just a distant echo.Da: Foran ham rejser et kæmpe bål sig, klar til at blive antændt.En: In front of him, a giant bonfire rises, ready to be lit.Da: Det er dannebrogsdag, sommersolhverv.En: It is Flag Day, summer solstice.Da: Traditionen dikterer, at han skal tænde bålet.En: Tradition dictates that he must light the bonfire.Da: Han har en fyrstik i hånden, men noget holder ham tilbage.En: He has a match in his hand, but something is holding him back.Da: Der er en stemning af spænding i luften.En: There is a sense of excitement in the air.Da: Noget ved bålet minder ham om sin bedstemors historier, som han hørte som et barn.En: Something about the bonfire reminds him of his grandmother's stories, which he heard as a child.Da: Hun fortalte om de gamle dage i Danmark, hvor folk fejrede solhverv ved at tænde store bål på stranden.En: She told tales of the old days in Denmark, where people celebrated the solstice by lighting large fires on the beach.Da: Nu, med denne tradition genoplivet i hans hænder, fik han en snert af den samme glæde og forbindelse med fortiden.En: Now, with this tradition revived in his hands, he felt a touch of the same joy and connection to the past.Da: Men samtidig føler han uro.En: But at the same time, he feels unrest.Da: Det virker alt sammen så stort og overvældende.En: It all seems so big and overwhelming.Da: Det er, som om bålet kræver mere af ham end bare at tænde det.En: It is as if the bonfire requires more from him than just lighting it.Da: Han føler et ansvar.En: He feels a responsibility.Da: Et ansvar over for sin familie, sit land og sin kulturarv.En: A responsibility to his family, his country, and his cultural heritage.Da: Tager en dyb indånding, ser på fyrstikken.En: He takes a deep breath, looks at the match.Da: Han kan mærke, at hans hånd ryster en smule.En: He can feel his hand trembling slightly.Da: Men hans beslutsomhed er større end hans frygt.En: But his determination is greater than his fear.Da: Han tænder fyrstikken.En: He lights the match.Da: En lille flamme vokser frem.En: A small flame emerges.Da: Lys spejler sig i hans blå øjne, der lyser op med en glød svarende til den i hans hånd.En: Light reflects in his blue eyes, shining with a glow matching that in his hand.Da: Han kaster fyrstikken mod det tørre træ.En: He tosses the match towards the dry wood.Da: Flammerne sprutter og snart er det gigantiske bål i fuld færd med at brænde.En: The flames sputter, and soon the gigantic bonfire is fully ablaze.Da: Han træder tilbage, ser på mens flammerne danser op mod den aftenrøde himmel.En: He steps back, watching as the flames dance towards the...