From Debris to Art: Finding Beauty in Nature's Fury
Fluent Fiction - Danish - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Danish: From Debris to Art: Finding Beauty in Nature's Fury Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript: Vocabulary Words:tugged: revdebris: affaldremnants: resterfury: rasenscanned: gledunique: unikkeeager: ivrigtprecision: præcisiondunes: klitternewaterline: vandkantendriftwood: drivtømmerspiral: spiralhesitated: tøvedefurrowed: knyttedebrows: øjenbrynashamed: skamdynamics: gruppedynamikcommitment: forpligtedecommunal: fællesinspire: inspirereappreciatively: anerkendendesatisfied: tilfredsebattle: kampenencouraged: opmuntretvolunteers: frivilligeexhibition: udstillingscenterbelong: hører tilconsidered: overvejedeartwork: kunstværkorganized: organiserede