Lars' Bicycle Struggles: A Copenhagen Adventure
Fluent Fiction - Danish - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Danish: Lars' Bicycle Struggles: A Copenhagen Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Da: Åhhh, København!En: Ohhh, Copenhagen!Da: Hvor gaderne er fyldte med farverige huse, kanalerne bugter sig rundt om hver murgule, og folk pendler på cykler.En: Where the streets are filled with colorful houses, the canals wind around each mustard yellow, and people commute on bicycles.Da: Midt i denne pulserende by, findes der en ung mand ved navn Lars.En: In the midst of this bustling city, there is a young man named Lars.Da: Lars elsker sit hektiske københavnerliv, men han har en udfordring.En: Lars loves his hectic Copenhagen life, but he has a challenge.Da: For hver gang Lars svinger sig op på hans rustne, røde cykel, er hans meget lange snørebånd tilbøjelige til at klistre sig fast i cyklens pedaler.En: Every time Lars swings his rusty red bike, his very long shoelaces have a tendency to get stuck in the pedals.Da: Det var en behagelig eftermiddag, solen skinnede på himlen, og Lars besluttede at tage en tur på sin cykel for at nyde det dejlige vejr.En: It was a pleasant afternoon, the sun was shining in the sky, and Lars decided to take a ride on his bike to enjoy the lovely weather.Da: Det var bare en kort tur, tenkte han.En: It was just a short trip, he thought.Da: Men som så ofte før, blev hans snørebånd smidt op i pedalerne, og han bøjede sig forover.En: But as often before, his shoelaces got thrown up into the pedals and he bent forward.Da: Med et øredøvende bump mødte han brolægningens ujævnhed ansigt til gram.En: With a deafening thump, he met the cobblestone's unevenness face to face.Da: Netop da, græd en velkendt stemme af grin, "Lars, du gør det igen!En: Just then, a familiar voice cried with laughter, "Lars, you're doing it again!"Da: " råbte Freja, en af Lars' nærmeste veninder, mens hun grinte hjerteligt.En: shouted Freja, one of Lars' closest friends, while she laughed heartily.Da: Hun holdt en solslikket is i den ene hånd og kæmpede for at holde balancen på sin egen cykel i den anden.En: She held a sun-kissed ice cream in one hand and struggled to balance on her own bike with the other.Da: "Puh, det er ikke sjovt, Freja!En: "Phew, it's not funny, Freja!"Da: " udbrød Lars, mens han forsøgte at trække hans snørebånd ud fra pedalerne.En: exclaimed Lars, as he tried to pull his shoelaces out of the pedals.Da: "Åh, Lars, det er skam sjovt.En: "Oh, Lars, it's quite funny.Da: Hver gang du falder på den samme måde," grinte Freja og fortsatte med at samle hans ting sammen.En: Every time you fall in the same way," laughed Freja and continued to gather his things.Da: Dagen efter mødte de igen hinanden.En: The next day, they met again.Da: Freja med sit smilende ansigt, og Lars med hans hængende skuldre uden hans cykel.En: Freja with her smiling face, and Lars with his slumped shoulders without his bike.Da: "Åh Lars, hvor er din cykel?En: "Oh Lars, where is your bike?"Da: " spurgte Freja og kiggede rundt.En: asked Freja, looking around.Da: "Jeg tog bussen," svarede Lars ærgerligt.En: "I took the bus," answered Lars disappointingly.Da: Det var tydeligt, at han savnede sin cykel alligevel.En: It was clear that he missed his bike after all.Da: "Hvorfor bruger du ikke bare velcro?En: "Why don't you just use velcro?"Da: "...