Lost in the Snow: A Heartwarming Copenhagen Adventure
Fluent Fiction - Danish - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Danish: Lost in the Snow: A Heartwarming Copenhagen Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/lost-in-the-snow-a-heartwarming-copenhagen-adventure Story Transcript:Da: København var pakket ind i hvidt, sneen tæt og tung som et tæppe.En: Copenhagen was wrapped in white, the snow dense and heavy like a blanket.Da: Gaderne svulmede af en smuk stilhed, brudt kun af mennesker der gerne ville nyde kulden.En: The streets swelled with a beautiful silence, broken only by people who wanted to enjoy the cold.Da: Det var sådan Lars og Sofie fandt sig selv i byens hjerte.En: That's how Lars and Sofie found themselves in the heart of the city.Da: Hvor var de dog glade!En: They were so happy!Da: Men ih, hvor de dog også blev hurtigt vild!En: But oh, how quickly they got lost!Da: "Lars, hvor er kortet?En: "Lars, where is the map?"Da: " spurgte Sofie.En: Sofie asked.Da: Hun betragtede omgivelserne, så forvirret ud.En: She looked around, looking confused.Da: De smalle gader lignede hinanden, og deres egne fodspor var allerede skjult i en ny bølge af sne.En: The narrow streets all looked the same, and their own footprints were already hidden in a fresh wave of snow.Da: "Jeg er bange for, at jeg har glemt kortet hjemme, Sofie," indrømmede Lars.En: "I'm afraid I forgot the map at home, Sofie," admitted Lars.Da: De kunne kun grine af deres held.En: They could only laugh at their luck.Da: Hvad var en dag i sneen uden et eventyr?En: What is a day in the snow without an adventure?Da: På et nært torv begyndte en sneboldkamp uden advarsel.En: On a nearby square, a snowball fight started without warning.Da: Børnene skreg og grinede, sneboldene fløj gennem luften i et blødt sne påfald.En: Children screamed and laughed, snowballs flew through the air in a soft snow flurry.Da: Emma så dem og hendes øjne glitrede.En: Emma saw them and her eyes sparkled.Da: Du ville sikkert gætte det.En: You would probably guess it.Da: Ja, Emma ville være med!En: Yes, Emma wanted to join!Da: Lars og Sofie så Emma løbende hen over torvet.En: Lars and Sofie watched Emma running across the square.Da: "Det ser sjovt ud!En: "That looks fun!"Da: " udbrød Sofie.En: exclaimed Sofie.Da: Lars kunne kun nikke og smile.En: Lars could only nod and smile.Da: Sofie trak ham med, og lige der blev de alle en del af det sjove.En: Sofie pulled him along, and right there, they all became a part of the fun.Da: Emma's hold var sej!En: Emma's team was awesome!Da: Sneboldene fløj hurtigt og højt, de sjove stunder blev til en glædelig kamp.En: Snowballs were flying fast and high, the fun moments turning into a joyful battle.Da: Lars og Sofie var glade, men de vidste også, at de var meget, meget fortabte.En: Lars and Sofie were happy, but they also knew that they were very, very lost.Da: Tiden gik, solen begyndte at gå ned.En: Time passed, the sun began to set.Da: Sneboldkampen blev langsomt dæmpet af trætte børn og deres forældre, der kaldte dem hjem.En: The snowball fight was slowly dampened by tired children and their parents calling them home.Da: Lars og Sofie indså, at de stadig var vild.En: Lars and Sofie realized they were still lost.Da: Emma vækkede dem fra deres bekymringer.En: Emma woke them from their worries.Da: "Jeg kender...