Love, Life-Saving, and Allergies: A City Office Drama

Fluent Fiction - Danish - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Danish: Love, Life-Saving, and Allergies: A City Office Drama Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Da: Det var en travl sommerdag i hjertet af byen.En: It was a busy summer day in the heart of the city.Da: Skyskraberens glasfacade skinnede i solen.En: The glass facade of the skyscraper glistened in the sun.Da: Inde i bygningen var der fuld aktivitet.En: Inside the building, there was full activity.Da: På 14. etage arbejdede Niels ved sit skrivebord.En: On the 14th floor, Niels was working at his desk.Da: Han havde travlt med at skrive rapporter, men hans tanker gled tit hen på Astrid.En: He was busy writing reports, but his thoughts often drifted to Astrid.Da: Astrid sad ved et skrivebord på den anden side af rummet.En: Astrid was sitting at a desk on the other side of the room.Da: Hun skrev på sin computer, men pludselig begyndte hun at hoste.En: She was typing on her computer, but suddenly she began to cough.Da: Niels lagde straks mærke til det.En: Niels immediately noticed.Da: Hendes ansigt blev rødt, og hun kæmpede for at trække vejret.En: Her face turned red, and she struggled to breathe.Da: Niels vidste straks, hvad der var galt.En: Niels knew right away what was wrong.Da: "Astrid, er du allergisk over for noget?" spurgte han hurtigt.En: "Astrid, are you allergic to something?" he asked quickly.Da: Astrid kunne kun nikke.En: Astrid could only nod.Da: "Skaldyr," hviskede hun knap hørbart.En: "Shellfish," she whispered barely audibly.Da: Niels vidste, at han måtte handle hurtigt.En: Niels knew he had to act fast.Da: Han rejste sig og støttede Astrid.En: He got up and supported Astrid.Da: "Hold ud, jeg hjælper dig," sagde han.En: "Hold on, I'll help you," he said.Da: Han skreg til andre ansatte, "Nogen, ring 112!"En: He shouted to other employees, "Someone call 911!"Da: Han kendte til førstehjælp og prøvede at holde Astrid rolig.En: He knew first aid and tried to keep Astrid calm.Da: "Træk vejret langsomt, Astrid," sagde han blidt.En: "Breathe slowly, Astrid," he said gently.Da: Men hendes tilstand blev værre, og han vidste, at der kun var et lille vindue af tid.En: But her condition worsened, and he knew there was only a small window of time.Da: "Vi har brug for en EpiPen," tænkte han højt.En: "We need an EpiPen," he thought out loud.Da: Han huskede, at der måske var en i en af de andre kontorer.En: He remembered that there might be one in one of the other offices.Da: Han vidste, at han måtte finde en hurtigt eller risikere Astrids liv.En: He knew he had to find one quickly or risk Astrid's life.Da: "Nogen her har en EpiPen!" råbte han, og to ansatte begyndte straks at søge sammen med ham.En: "Someone here has an EpiPen!" he shouted, and two employees immediately started searching with him.Da: Flere minutter gik, og Astrids tilstand forværredes.En: Several minutes passed, and Astrid's condition deteriorated.Da: Endelig fandt Niels en EpiPen i en skuffe i en kollegas kontor.En: Finally, Niels found an EpiPen in a drawer in a colleague's office.Da: Han løb tilbage til Astrid, der nu støttede sig til en stol og kæmpede for hver åndedrag.En: He ran back to Astrid, who was now leaning on a chair, struggling with each breath.Da: "Hold ud,...