Søren's Night Shift: A Novice Doctor's Triumph in Chaos

Fluent Fiction - Danish - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Danish: Søren's Night Shift: A Novice Doctor's Triumph in Chaos Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/sorens-night-shift-a-novice-doctors-triumph-in-chaos Story Transcript:Da: Søren stod uden for det travle felthospital i København.En: Søren stood outside the bustling field hospital in Copenhagen.Da: Sommerens hede hang i luften, og lyden af sirener fyldte natten.En: The summer heat hung in the air, and the sound of sirens filled the night.Da: Han trak vejret dybt ind og gik ind i teltet, hvor patienter ventede på hjælp.En: He took a deep breath and walked into the tent where patients awaited help.Da: Det var hans første nattevagt på hospitalet, og han var nervøs.En: It was his first night shift at the hospital, and he was nervous.Da: Astrid, den erfarne sygeplejerske, vinkede til ham.En: Astrid, the experienced nurse, waved at him.Da: "Klar til natten?" spurgte hun med et smil.En: "Ready for the night?" she asked with a smile.Da: Søren nikkede.En: Søren nodded.Da: Han så op til Astrid.En: He looked up to Astrid.Da: Hun var kendt for sin ro, selv når alt omkring hende var kaos.En: She was known for her calm, even when everything around her was chaos.Da: Patienterne strømmede ind.En: Patients flooded in.Da: Nogle var alvorligt såret.En: Some were seriously injured.Da: Søren begyndte at føle presset.En: Søren began to feel the pressure.Da: "Hvordan holder du hovedet koldt?" spurgte Søren hende mellem patienterne.En: "How do you keep calm?" Søren asked her between patients.Da: "Erfaring og ro," svarede Astrid kort.En: "Experience and composure," Astrid replied succinctly.Da: "Lyt altid til din intuition, men glem ikke at vi arbejder sammen."En: "Always listen to your intuition, but don't forget we work together."Da: Natten gik, og Søren arbejdede hårdt.En: The night went on, and Søren worked hard.Da: Men snart opstod en kritisk situation.En: But soon, a critical situation arose.Da: En ung mand blev båret ind.En: A young man was carried in.Da: Hans tilstand var alvorlig, og Søren vidste, at han måtte handle hurtigt.En: His condition was serious, and Søren knew he had to act quickly.Da: Han huskede Astrids råd.En: He remembered Astrid's advice: Listen.Da: Lytte.En: Take your time.Da: Tage sig tid.En: But the decision had to be made now.Da: Men beslutningen skulle træffes nu.En: Astrid stepped aside and let Søren take the lead.Da: Astrid trådte til side og lod Søren tage føringen.En: "Make your decision," she said quietly.Da: "Tag din beslutning," sagde hun stille.En: Søren considered what he had learned and then acted decisively and swiftly.Da: Søren overvejede, hvad han havde lært, og handlede derefter målrettet og hurtigt.En: The next few minutes felt like hours.Da: De næste minutter føltes som timer.En: The atmosphere was intense.Da: Atmosfæren var intens.En: Søren focused and did his best.Da: Søren fokuserede og gjorde sit bedste.En: It worked.Da: Det lykkedes.En: The man was breathing calmly again.Da: Manden trak vejret roligt igen.En: Søren sighed with relief and could hardly believe it.Da: Søren sukkede lettet og kunne næsten ikke tro det.En: Astrid placed a hand on his shoulder.Da: Astrid lagde en hånd på hans...