Stormy Interlude: A Summer Festival Tale in Nyhavn

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Fluent Fiction - Danish: Stormy Interlude: A Summer Festival Tale in Nyhavn Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Da: I Nyhavn, København, var sommerfestivalen i fuld gang.En: In Nyhavn, Copenhagen, the summer festival was in full swing.Da: Flot pyntede både, farverige boder og musik fyldte gaden.En: Beautifully decorated boats, colorful stalls, and music filled the street.Da: Lukas og Freja gik hånd i hånd og nød den varme sol.En: Lukas and Freja walked hand in hand, enjoying the warm sun.Da: De elskede dette sted og denne tid af året.En: They loved this place and this time of the year.Da: Pludselig ændrede alting sig.En: Suddenly, everything changed.Da: Himlen blev mørk, og en dyb tordenbrag lød.En: The sky darkened, and a deep thunderclap echoed.Da: Folk kigge forvirret op og begyndte at samle deres ting.En: People looked up in confusion and began to gather their things.Da: Et voldsomt vindstød fik bodernes paraplyer til at flyve væk.En: A violent gust of wind sent the stalls' umbrellas flying away.Da: Børnene begyndte at græde, og de voksne råbte til hinanden.En: Children started crying, and adults shouted to each other.Da: Lukas og Freja kiggede hinanden dybt i øjnene og vidste, at de måtte finde læ.En: Lukas and Freja looked deeply into each other's eyes and knew they needed to find shelter.Da: De løb hånd i hånd gennem de smalle gader.En: They ran hand in hand through the narrow streets.Da: Regnen begyndte at falde ned i tunge dråber.En: The rain began to fall in heavy drops.Da: Vandet samlede sig hurtigt i små floder på brostenene.En: Water quickly gathered into small streams on the cobblestones.Da: Lukas så en lille café og pegede mod den.En: Lukas saw a small café and pointed toward it.Da: De løb hurtigt derhen og skubbede døren op.En: They hurried there and pushed the door open.Da: Inde i caféen var det varmt og tørt.En: Inside the café, it was warm and dry.Da: Flere festivalgæster havde også søgt ly der.En: Several festival-goers had sought refuge there as well.Da: En mand spillede stille musik på et klaver, mens regnen trommede mod ruderne.En: A man was quietly playing music on a piano while the rain drummed against the windows.Da: Freja fandt et bord ved vinduet, og Lukas bestilte to kopper varm chokolade.En: Freja found a table by the window, and Lukas ordered two cups of hot chocolate.Da: De satte sig og så ud på stormen.En: They sat down and looked out at the storm.Da: "Det var tæt på," sagde Lukas og smilede.En: "That was close," Lukas said with a smile.Da: Freja nikkede og tog en slurk af sin chokolade.En: Freja nodded and took a sip of her chocolate.Da: "Jeg er glad for, at vi fandt denne café," svarede hun.En: "I’m glad we found this café," she replied.Da: Mens de sad der og lyttede til klavermusikken, begyndte regnen at aftage.En: As they sat there, listening to the piano music, the rain began to subside.Da: De andre gæster i caféen åndede lettet op.En: The other guests in the café breathed a sigh of relief.Da: Stemningen blev roligere, og folk begyndte at tale sammen igen.En: The atmosphere became calmer, and people started talking to each other again.Da: Efter en time var stormen væk.En: After an hour, the storm had passed.Da: Solen...