The Roller Coaster Rescue: A Sweet and Thrilling Adventure
Fluent Fiction - Danish - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Danish: The Roller Coaster Rescue: A Sweet and Thrilling Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Da: Lars og Sofie var i Tivoli.En: Lars and Sofie were in Tivoli.Da: Tivoli er et stort sted med mange sjove ting.En: Tivoli is a large place with many fun things.Da: De kunne se den store rutsjebane, boder med farverige balloner, poletterne der glimtede i tivolispillene, og den lækre duft af æbleskiver der flød i luften.En: They could see the big roller coaster, stalls with colorful balloons, the tokens that glimmered in the amusement games, and the delicious scent of apple fritters that wafted through the air.Da: De besluttede sig for at tage på rutsjebanen, mens de spiste deres nykøbte æbleskiver.En: They decided to go on the roller coaster while eating their newly bought apple fritters.Da: De steg på rutsjebanen, med æbleskiver i hånden.En: They boarded the roller coaster, holding their apple fritters in hand.Da: Rutsjebanen begyndte at bevæge sig.En: The roller coaster started moving.Da: De grinede og spikedes mens rutsjebanen gik hurtigere og hurtigere.En: They laughed and squealed as the roller coaster went faster and faster.Da: De holdt deres æbleskiver stramt, fordi de ikke ville tabe dem.En: They held onto their apple fritters tightly because they didn't want to drop them.Da: Men så gik noget galt.En: But then something went wrong.Da: Rutsjebanen stoppede pludselig op i luften.En: The roller coaster suddenly stopped in mid-air.Da: Lars og Sofie så ned fra det høje sted.En: Lars and Sofie looked down from the high spot.Da: Mange mennesker så op på dem.En: Many people looked up at them.Da: De blev bekymrede.En: They became worried.Da: Hvordan skulle de komme ned?En: How would they get down?Da: Hvad med deres æbleskiver?En: What about their apple fritters?Da: De var sultne!En: They were hungry!Da: De prøvede at råbe, men råbene blev næsten blæst væk af vinden.En: They tried to shout, but their shouts were almost blown away by the wind.Da: Så kunne de høre en lyd.En: Then they heard a sound.Da: En redningsmand med klatreudstyr var på vej op til dem.En: A rescuer with climbing gear was on their way up to them.Da: Han var meget modig.En: He was very brave.Da: Han kunne sikkert hjælpe dem ned.En: He could surely help them down.Da: Men hvad med deres æbleskiver?En: But what about their apple fritters?Da: Lige da de begyndte at miste håbet, kom en ide til Lars.En: Just as they began to lose hope, an idea came to Lars.Da: "Vi kan kaste vores æbleskiver”, sagde han.En: "We can throw our apple fritters," he said.Da: "Så vil folk se, at vi er her oppe og har brug for hjælp.En: "Then people will see that we are up here and in need of help."Da: "Sofie synes, det var en god idé.En: Sofie thought it was a good idea.Da: Så de kastede deres æbleskiver.En: So they threw their apple fritters.Da: En efter en, fløj æbleskiverne ned mod jorden.En: One by one, the apple fritters flew down towards the ground.Da: De lignede små snebolde.En: They looked like little snowballs.Da: Folk råbte og pegede.En: People shouted and pointed.Da: Mere hjælp var på vej.En: More help was on the...