The Sauna Incident: A Hilarious Winter Tale
Fluent Fiction - Danish - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Danish: The Sauna Incident: A Hilarious Winter Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Da: En solrig vinterdag i København, fordybelsen af Lars, Sofia og Mikkel i en kop dampende varm kakao, blev pludselig afbrudt.En: On a sunny winter day in Copenhagen, the immersion of Lars, Sofia, and Mikkel in a cup of steaming hot cocoa was suddenly interrupted.Da: Lars rejste sig brat op, besluttede at han skulle have lidt varme.En: Lars abruptly stood up, deciding that he needed some warmth.Da: Han glemte selvfølgelig at slippe sin tykke vinterfrakke, hue og handsker.En: Of course, he forgot to take off his thick winter coat, hat, and gloves.Da: "Jeg går til saunaen i motionscenteret," sagde Lars med et stort smil.En: "I'm going to the sauna at the gym," Lars said with a big smile.Da: Sofia og Mikkel kunne ikke tro deres øjne.En: Sofia and Mikkel couldn't believe their eyes.Da: Defneden for panden på begge hængte et spørgsmålstegn.En: A question mark hung above their foreheads.Da: De så på hinanden med et blik, der tydeligvis prøvede at skjule deres grin.En: They looked at each other, clearly trying to hide their laughter.Da: Saunaen var kendt i København.En: The sauna was well-known in Copenhagen.Da: Den var i hjertet af byen, ved siden af søerne, lige på hjørnet af Dronning Louises Bro.En: It was in the heart of the city, next to the lakes, right on the corner of Queen Louise's Bridge.Da: Den var også kendt for sin hede temperatur.En: It was also known for its scorching temperature.Da: Humøret mellem Mikkel og Sofia var højt, mens de forestillede sig denne situation.En: The mood between Mikkel and Sofia was high as they imagined this situation.Da: Sofia trak hårdt i sit halstørklæde for at dække sit grin, og Mikkel kneb øjnene sammen, grinende.En: Sofia tightly pulled her scarf to cover her laughter, and Mikkel squinted his eyes, laughing.Da: Ankommet til saunaen, gik Lars ind som om han ejede stedet.En: Arriving at the sauna, Lars walked in as if he owned the place.Da: I vinterfrakken, under de intensive gløder, kom sveden hurtigt.En: In his winter coat, under the intense heat, sweat quickly poured.Da: Men Lars, fast besluttet på ikke at vise nogen svaghed, blev stående.En: But Lars, determined not to show any weakness, stayed put.Da: På den anden side af byen faldt Sofia og Mikkel over hinanden af grin, da de forestillede sig Lars i saunaen iført vintertøj.En: On the other side of the city, Sofia and Mikkel laughed uncontrollably at the thought of Lars in the sauna wearing winter clothes.Da: Pludselig, ramt af en tanke, sagde Mikkel grinende, "Vi burde tage over og se ham.En: Suddenly, struck by a thought, Mikkel said with a grin, "We should go over and see him.Da: Vi skal redde ham fra at smelte!En: We have to save him from melting!"Da: "Med grinet klistret på deres ansigter, redede Sofia og Mikkel dagen.En: With laughter plastered on their faces, Sofia and Mikkel saved the day.Da: De hentede Lars fra saunaen, som efterhånden lignede en kogt hummer snarere end en iskold dansker.En: They retrieved Lars from the sauna, who now resembled a boiled lobster rather than a cold Dane.Da: De førte hamr ud i Københavns kolde vinterluft, hvor hans dampende krop hurtigt kom til sig selv igen.En: They led him out into Copenhagen's cold winter air, where his steaming body quickly...