Unforgettable Family Bonds at Tivoli Gardens: A Summer's Tale
Fluent Fiction - Danish - A podcast by FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Danish: Unforgettable Family Bonds at Tivoli Gardens: A Summer's Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unforgettable-family-bonds-at-tivoli-gardens-a-summers-tale Story Transcript:Da: Solen skinnede højt over Tivoli Gardens i København.En: The sun shone high over Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen.Da: Det var sommer og parken var fyldt med glade stemmer og lyden af karusseller.En: It was summer, and the park was filled with happy voices and the sound of carousels.Da: Nikolaj gik langs stierne med sin familie.En: Nikolaj walked along the paths with his family.Da: Han var en dreng på 16 år, og følte sig ofte lidt udenfor.En: He was a 16-year-old boy and often felt a bit out of place.Da: Det var som om hans forældre og hans lille søster altid var optaget af deres telefoner eller snakkede indbyrdes.En: It was as if his parents and his little sister were always occupied with their phones or talking amongst themselves.Da: Han havde længtes efter at føle sig tættere på dem.En: He had longed to feel closer to them.Da: “Måske i dag,” tænkte han.En: "Maybe today," he thought.Da: Han vidste, at det skulle være et specielt øjeblik.En: He knew it had to be a special moment.Da: Hans søster, Anna, var kun 10 år og elskede forlystelser.En: His sister, Anna, was only 10 years old and loved amusement rides.Da: Nikolaj besluttede, at han ville skabe et minde sammen med hende.En: Nikolaj decided that he wanted to create a memory with her.Da: "Anna," sagde han og trak hende i hånden, "vil du med op i Dæmonen?En: "Anna," he said, taking her hand, "do you want to go on The Demon?"Da: " Hendes øjne lyste op.En: Her eyes lit up.Da: “Ja!En: "Yes!"Da: ” råbte hun og løb hen mod den store rutsjebane.En: she shouted and ran toward the big roller coaster.Da: De stillede sig i kø.En: They stood in line.Da: Nikolaj kiggede rundt.En: Nikolaj looked around.Da: Børn, forældre, og par lo og nød dagen.En: Children, parents, and couples laughed and enjoyed the day.Da: Der var en følelse af glæde i luften.En: There was a feeling of joy in the air.Da: Endelig var det deres tur.En: Finally, it was their turn.Da: Anna så lidt nervøs ud, men Nikolaj gav hendes hånd et klem og sagde, "Vi gør det sammen.En: Anna looked a bit nervous, but Nikolaj squeezed her hand and said, "We'll do it together."Da: "De spændte sig fast og snart var de på vej op ad den stejle rutsjebane.En: They strapped in, and soon they were on their way up the steep roller coaster.Da: Da de nåede toppen, kunne de se hele København foran dem.En: When they reached the top, they could see all of Copenhagen before them.Da: Så faldt vognen!En: Then the car dropped!Da: Anna skreg, men hun klamrede sig til Nikolaj og lo med samme lyd som de andre.En: Anna screamed, but she clung to Nikolaj and laughed the same way as the others.Da: Da turen var slut, steg de af med smil på læben.En: When the ride was over, they got off with smiles on their faces.Da: "Det var fantastisk!En: "That was amazing!"Da: " råbte Anna og krammede Nikolaj.En: Anna shouted and hugged Nikolaj.Da: Deres forældre havde set på fra jorden og smilede nu bredt.En: Their parents had been watching from the ground and were now smiling broadly.Da: De begyndte at lægge deres telefoner fra sig og...