Unveiling 'Hygge': A Journey to Discover the Danish Concept of Coziness

Fluent Fiction - Danish - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Danish: Unveiling 'Hygge': A Journey to Discover the Danish Concept of Coziness Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unveiling-hygge-a-journey-to-discover-the-danish-concept-of-coziness Story Transcript:Da: På en almindelig torsdag i hjertet af København, fandt vi Lars.En: On an ordinary Thursday in the heart of Copenhagen, we found Lars.Da: Lars boede på Vesterbro.En: Lars lived in Vesterbro.Da: Det var her, han tjente sit brød som guide.En: It was here he earned his bread as a guide.Da: Hans job var at vise turisterne rundt i byen.En: His job was to show tourists around the city.Da: Denne særlige dag, var hans opgave anderledes.En: On this particular day, his task was different.Da: Han fik besøg af Ingrid.En: He was visited by Ingrid.Da: Ingrid var amerikaner.En: Ingrid was American.Da: Hun havde hørt om noget, der hed "hygge".En: She had heard of something called "hygge".Da: Men, hun vidste ikke, hvad det betød.En: But she didn't know what it meant.Da: Lars skulle hjælpe Ingrid med at forstå konceptet.En: Lars was supposed to help Ingrid understand the concept.Da: De startede ved Nyhavn.En: They started at Nyhavn.Da: Lars viste de farvestralende huse frem.En: Lars showed off the colorful houses.Da: Bådene, som gled stille gennem kanalen.En: The boats gliding quietly through the canal.Da: Det var hyggeligt, sagde han.En: It was cozy, he said.Da: Ingrid nikkede, men hun forstod det ikke helt.En: Ingrid nodded, but she didn't quite understand.Da: Derefter gik de mod Strøget.En: Then they walked towards Strøget.Da: De så på de flotte butikker.En: They looked at the lovely shops.Da: Menneskene, der gik rundt at snakkede.En: People walking around chatting.Da: Lyden af byliv.En: The sound of city life.Da: Også hyggeligt, sagde Lars.En: Also cozy, said Lars.Da: Ingrid forsøgte at begribe det, men det var stadig svært.En: Ingrid tried to grasp it, but it was still difficult.Da: De tog hen til Tivoli.En: They went to Tivoli.Da: Lars pegede på de blinkende lys.En: Lars pointed out the flashing lights.Da: Parrene, som gik hånd i hånd.En: Couples walking hand in hand.Da: Det var også hyggeligt.En: That was also cozy.Da: Ingrid kunne se, det var smukt.En: Ingrid could see it was beautiful.Da: Men, hun forstod det stadig ikke.En: But she still didn't understand.Da: Til sidst, inviterede Lars Ingrid hjem.En: Finally, Lars invited Ingrid home.Da: Han tændte et par stearinlys.En: He lit a few candles.Da: Bød Ingrid på en kop varm kaffe.En: Offered Ingrid a cup of hot coffee.Da: De satte sig i sofaen.En: They sat on the couch.Da: Snakkede og grinte sammen.En: Talked and laughed together.Da: Så sagde Lars, at det var hygge.En: Then Lars said, "This is hygge."Da: Ingrid nikkede, "Ah, nu forstår jeg det!En: Ingrid nodded, "Ah, now I get it!"Da: "Så endte dagen i København.En: So the day ended in Copenhagen.Da: Ingrid havde lært, hvad "hygge" betød.En: Ingrid had learned what "hygge" meant.Da: Lars havde lært, at hygge måske var svær at forklare.En: Lars had learned that hygge might be hard to explain.Da: Men let at opleve.