A Roman Encounter: The Misadventure at Spanish Steps

Fluent Fiction - Italian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Italian: A Roman Encounter: The Misadventure at Spanish Steps Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-roman-encounter-the-misadventure-at-spanish-steps Story Transcript:It: In una calda giornata a Roma, la città risplendeva sotto il sole accecante.En: On a hot day in Rome, the city shimmered under the blinding sun.It: Le strade erano piene di turisti, di lavoratori indaffarati e di venditori di strada.En: The streets were filled with tourists, busy workers, and street vendors.It: In mezzo a tutto ciò, c'era un uomo di nome Giuseppe.En: Amidst it all, there was a man named Giuseppe.It: Giuseppe era un uomo simpatico, con dei baffi ben curati e occhi luminosi.En: Giuseppe was a friendly man, with well-groomed mustache and bright eyes.It: Abitava a Roma da anni, ma c'era qualcosa di nuovo, qualcosa di diverso.En: He had been living in Rome for years, but there was something new, something different.It: Era la sua prima visita a Piazza di Spagna e non era abituato al trambusto.En: It was his first visit to the Spanish Steps and he was not used to the hustle and bustle.It: Nel mezzo della piazza, rimase a bocca aperta al vedere una carrozza trainata da cavalli.En: In the middle of the square, he stood in awe at the sight of a horse-drawn carriage.It: "Che bello taxi!En: "What a beautiful taxi!"It: " pensò Giuseppe.En: thought Giuseppe.It: Non aveva mai visto un taxi così prima.En: He had never seen a taxi like this before.It: Decise di fermarlo.En: He decided to hail it.It: "Signore, per favore!En: "Sir, please!"It: " gridò Giuseppe, salutando con la mano la carrozza.En: shouted Giuseppe, waving his hand at the carriage.It: Con sua grande sorpresa, la carrozza si fermò davanti a lui.En: To his surprise, the carriage stopped in front of him.It: Giuseppe ci salì, convinto di essere in un taxi.En: Giuseppe climbed aboard, convinced he was in a taxi.It: "Mi porti a Piazza Navona," disse Giuseppe al conducente.En: "Take me to Piazza Navona," Giuseppe said to the driver.It: Il conducente lo guardò con sorpresa, ma poi annuì.En: The driver looked at him in surprise, but then nodded.It: Nel frattempo, Sofia, una bella ragazza con capelli ricci castani, stava passeggiando vicino a Piazza di Spagna.En: Meanwhile, Sofia, a beautiful girl with curly brown hair, was strolling near the Spanish Steps.It: Sofia lavorava come guida turistica e viveva a Roma da sempre.En: Sofia worked as a tour guide and had lived in Rome all her life.It: Quella giornata, però, stava assistendo ad una scena piuttosto insolita.En: That day, however, she was witnessing a rather unusual scene.It: Vedendo Giuseppe salire sulla carrozza, pensò tamburellando le dita sul mento, "Quello non è un taxi.En: Seeing Giuseppe getting into the carriage, she thought tapping her chin, "That's not a taxi.It: È una carrozza per turisti.En: It's a carriage for tourists.It: Credo che quel pover'uomo abbia commesso un errore.En: I think that poor man made a mistake."It: "Sofia decise di andare di persona a tirare le cose a chiaro.En: Sofia decided to personally go and set things straight.It: Corse alla carrozza e pregò il conducente di fermarsi.En: She ran to the carriage and pleaded with the driver to stop.It: Aiutarlo era la cosa giusta da fare.En: Helping him was the right thing to do.