Crisis at the Gelateria: Saving the Day with Teamwork

Fluent Fiction - Italian - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Italian: Crisis at the Gelateria: Saving the Day with Teamwork Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:It: Luca era in piedi davanti alla gelateria di famiglia, "Gelateria Dolce Vita."En: Luca stood in front of the family ice cream shop, "Gelateria Dolce Vita."It: Piazza Navona era piena di turisti.En: Piazza Navona was full of tourists.It: L'aria era calda e il sole splendeva.En: The air was warm, and the sun was shining.It: Giulia, la sorella di Luca, era dietro il bancone, preparando i coni gelato.En: Giulia, Luca's sister, was behind the counter, preparing ice cream cones.It: Marco, il loro cugino, stava pulendo i tavolini fuori.En: Marco, their cousin, was cleaning the tables outside.It: "Giulia, abbiamo bisogno di più limone!En: "Giulia, we need more lemon!"It: ", gridò Luca dall'ingresso.En: shouted Luca from the entrance.It: "Capito, Luca!"En: "Got it, Luca!"It: rispose Giulia con un sorriso.En: replied Giulia with a smile.It: Ad un tratto, apparve un signore con un grande cappello.En: Suddenly, a man with a large hat appeared.It: Guardava la lavagna con i gusti.En: He was looking at the board with the flavors.It: "Avete il cioccolato fondente?"En: "Do you have dark chocolate?"It: chiese lui.En: he asked.It: "Certo, signore!"En: "Of course, sir!"It: disse Marco, affrettandosi a servirlo.En: said Marco, hurrying to serve him.It: I bambini correvano intorno alla fontana della piazza.En: Children were running around the fountain in the square.It: Le risate e le chiacchiere riempivano l'aria.En: Laughter and chatter filled the air.It: Luca osservava felice.En: Luca watched happily.It: La gelateria era di suo padre.En: The ice cream shop had belonged to his father.It: Ora, era di lui e di Giulia.En: Now, it was his and Giulia's.It: Ogni giorno era una nuova storia.En: Every day was a new story.It: Ma oggi qualcosa andava storto.En: But today, something was wrong.It: Il frigorifero dei gelati era rotto.En: The ice cream freezer was broken.It: "Non funziona!En: "It’s not working!It: Che facciamo?En: What do we do?"It: ", chiese Giulia preoccupata.En: asked Giulia, worried.It: Non potevano vendere gelati sciolti.En: They couldn't sell melted ice cream.It: "Hai provato a chiamare il tecnico?"En: "Have you tried calling the technician?"It: chiese Marco.En: asked Marco.It: "Sì, ma può venire solo domani," rispose Giulia.En: "Yes, but he can only come tomorrow," replied Giulia.It: I tre si guardarono preoccupati.En: The three looked at each other, concerned.It: Poi, Luca ebbe un'idea.En: Then, Luca had an idea.It: "Prendiamo secchi pieni di ghiaccio dal bar vicino.En: "Let's get buckets full of ice from the bar next door.It: Possiamo metterli nel frigorifero per mantenere il gelato freddo."En: We can put them in the freezer to keep the ice cream cold."It: Giulia e Marco annuirono e si misero subito al lavoro.En: Giulia and Marco nodded and got to work immediately.It: Corsi al bar accanto e tornarono con i secchi di ghiaccio.En: They rushed to the nearby bar and returned with buckets of ice.