Giovanni's Roman Misadventure: Spaghetti Slip to Shared Laughter
Fluent Fiction - Italian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Italian: Giovanni's Roman Misadventure: Spaghetti Slip to Shared Laughter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:It: Giovanni amava viaggiare.En: Giovanni loved traveling.It: Un giorno, decise di visitare Roma.En: One day, he decided to visit Rome.It: Era una città che sognava da tempo.En: It was a city he had dreamed of for a long time.It: C'erano così tante cose da vedere.En: There were so many things to see.It: Una sera, Giovanni entrò in una piccola trattoria.En: One evening, Giovanni entered a small trattoria.It: Il locale era accogliente e pieno di gente sorridente.En: The place was cozy and full of smiling people.It: I tavoli erano coperti da tovaglie a quadretti rossi e bianchi.En: The tables were covered with red and white checkered tablecloths.It: Le lanterne appese al soffitto emanavano una luce calda.En: The lanterns hanging from the ceiling emitted a warm light.It: Giovanni non parlava molto bene italiano.En: Giovanni didn't speak Italian very well.It: Ma era determinato a provare.En: But he was determined to try.It: Si sedette e guardò il menù.En: He sat down and looked at the menu.It: Vide "spaghetti" e pensò che fosse perfetto.En: He saw "spaghetti" and thought it was perfect.It: Chiamò il cameriere, un uomo anziano con un grande sorriso.En: He called the waiter, an elderly man with a big smile.It: "Vorrei tre porzioni di spaghetti," disse Giovanni.En: "I would like three portions of spaghetti," said Giovanni.It: Il cameriere annuì.En: The waiter nodded.It: Ma Giovanni pronunciò "tre" in modo sbagliato.En: But Giovanni pronounced "three" incorrectly.It: Sembrava che avesse detto "trenta".En: It seemed he had said "thirty."It: Il cameriere era sorpreso, ma non fece domande.En: The waiter was surprised but did not ask questions.It: Tornò in cucina.En: He went back to the kitchen.It: Giovanni attese.En: Giovanni waited.It: Stava ammirando le foto di Roma sulle pareti.En: He was admiring the photos of Rome on the walls.It: Dopo un po', vide il cameriere tornare.En: After a while, he saw the waiter return.It: Aveva un grande vassoio.En: He had a large tray.It: Era pieno di piatti di spaghetti.En: It was full of plates of spaghetti.It: Giovanni era confuso.En: Giovanni was confused.It: "Ma… io ho ordinato solo tre," disse Giovanni, guardando i piatti.En: "But… I only ordered three," said Giovanni, looking at the plates.It: Il cameriere scosse la testa.En: The waiter shook his head.It: "Mi dispiace, signore.En: "I'm sorry, sir.It: Lei ha detto trenta."En: You said thirty."It: Giovanni arrossì.En: Giovanni blushed.It: C'era un grande imbarazzo nell'aria.En: There was a great embarrassment in the air.It: Ma poi, qualcosa di magico accadde.En: But then, something magical happened.It: Gli altri clienti nella trattoria iniziarono a ridere.En: The other customers in the trattoria began to laugh.It: Non di Giovanni, ma della situazione.En: Not at Giovanni, but at the situation.It: Una signora alla sua destra disse, "Non si preoccupi.En: A lady to his right said, "Don't worry.