Step into the Past: A Journey Through Rome's Colosseum
Fluent Fiction - Italian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Italian: Step into the Past: A Journey Through Rome's Colosseum Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:It: Il sole splendeva alto nel cielo di Roma.En: The sun was shining high in the Roman sky.It: Giulia camminava verso il Colosseo con un sorriso.En: Giulia was walking towards the Colosseum with a smile.It: Era una giornata speciale.En: It was a special day.It: Aveva prenotato un tour con occhiali di realtà aumentata.En: She had booked a tour with augmented reality glasses.It: Davanti al Colosseo, Giulia si fermò.En: In front of the Colosseum, Giulia stopped.It: Era maestoso e vecchio di secoli.En: It was majestic and centuries old.It: Una guida le diede gli occhiali e le spiegò come usarli.En: A guide gave her the glasses and explained how to use them.It: Giulia indossò gli occhiali e il mondo cambiò.En: Giulia put on the glasses and the world changed.It: Ora vedeva il Colosseo come nel passato.En: Now she saw the Colosseum as it was in the past.It: Dai gradini di pietra, Giulia poteva vedere i gladiatori.En: From the stone steps, Giulia could see the gladiators.It: Combattevano con spade e scudi.En: They were fighting with swords and shields.It: Il pubblico urlava e applaudiva.En: The audience was shouting and applauding.It: Si sentiva parte di un altro tempo.En: She felt like she was part of another time.It: I leoni ruggivano e i carri correvano.En: The lions were roaring and the chariots were racing.It: Era tutto così reale.En: It all felt so real.It: Giulia camminava tra le rovine.En: Giulia walked among the ruins.It: Vide le celle dove i gladiatori aspettavano.En: She saw the cells where the gladiators waited.It: Vide gli imperatori dare il pollice in su o in giù.En: She saw the emperors giving the thumbs up or down.It: Il cuore di Giulia batteva forte.En: Giulia's heart was beating fast.It: Era emozionata ma anche un po’ spaventata.En: She was excited but also a bit scared.It: Un piccolo ragazzo, Luca, si avvicinò a Giulia.En: A little boy, Luca, approached Giulia.It: Anche lui indossava gli occhiali.En: He was also wearing the glasses.It: "È incredibile, vero?" disse Luca.En: "It's incredible, isn't it?" said Luca.It: Giulia annuì.En: Giulia nodded.It: "Sembrano vivi", rispose.En: "They seem alive," she replied.It: I due continuarono insieme il tour. Condividevano le loro emozioni e impressioni.En: The two continued the tour together, sharing their emotions and impressions.It: La tecnologia era straordinaria.En: The technology was extraordinary.It: Ma Giulia non dimenticava che era una ricostruzione.En: But Giulia didn't forget that it was a reconstruction.It: Le lotte erano finte, i suoni erano riprodotti.En: The fights were fake, the sounds were reproduced.It: Tuttavia, i sentimenti erano reali.En: However, the feelings were real.It: Sentiva il peso della storia.En: She felt the weight of history.It: Sentiva la sofferenza e il coraggio di quegli uomini.En: She felt the suffering and courage of those men.It: Alla fine del tour, Giulia si tolse gli occhiali.En: At the end of the tour, Giulia took off the glasses.It:...