Summer Reunions: An Amalfi Coast Tradition of Love and Legacy
Fluent Fiction - Italian - A podcast by
Fluent Fiction - Italian: Summer Reunions: An Amalfi Coast Tradition of Love and Legacy Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:It: La costa di Amalfi brillava sotto il sole d'estate.En: The Amalfi Coast gleamed under the summer sun.It: Ogni anno, Lorenzo attendeva con ansia questo momento.En: Each year, Lorenzo eagerly awaited this moment.It: La riunione di famiglia era una tradizione preziosa.En: The family reunion was a cherished tradition.It: Non era solo una festa.En: It wasn't just a party.It: Era un legame con la sua storia e le sue radici.En: It was a connection to his history and roots.It: Lorenzo era un giovane alto con capelli scuri e occhi verdi.En: Lorenzo was a tall young man with dark hair and green eyes.It: Aveva 24 anni e studiava architettura a Roma.En: He was 24 years old and studied architecture in Rome.It: Ma ogni estate, tornava ad Amalfi.En: But every summer, he returned to Amalfi.It: La sua nonna, Anna, lo aveva desiderato fortemente.En: His grandmother, Anna, had strongly wished for it.It: Diceva sempre: "La famiglia è il nostro tesoro."En: She always said, "Family is our treasure."It: Era il giorno prima della riunione.En: It was the day before the reunion.It: Lorenzo preparava tutto con cura.En: Lorenzo prepared everything with care.It: Sistemava i fiori freschi sul tavolo.En: He arranged fresh flowers on the table.It: Preparava il letto per gli zii che arrivavano da lontano.En: He made the bed for the uncles arriving from afar.It: Riempiva la cucina con le migliori prelibatezze locali.En: He filled the kitchen with the best local delicacies.It: C'erano limoni freschi, mozzarella di bufala e pomodori rossi.En: There were fresh lemons, buffalo mozzarella, and red tomatoes.It: Il mare blu davanti alla casa brillava come un gioiello.En: The blue sea in front of the house sparkled like a jewel.It: Lorenzo respirava profondamente.En: Lorenzo took a deep breath.It: Il profumo del mare era intenso.En: The scent of the sea was intense.It: Guardava il paese con amore.En: He looked at the town with love.It: Le case colorate che si aggrappavano alle colline erano spettacolari.En: The colorful houses clinging to the hills were spectacular.It: Alla sera, la famiglia iniziava ad arrivare.En: In the evening, the family began to arrive.It: C'erano risate, abbracci e baci.En: There were laughter, hugs, and kisses.It: Tanti cugini, zii e zie.En: Many cousins, uncles, and aunts.It: Tutti erano felici di rivedersi.En: Everyone was happy to see each other again.It: La cena era pronta.En: Dinner was ready.It: Lorenzo aveva preparato un antipasto di bruschette con pomodori freschi e basilico.En: Lorenzo had prepared an appetizer of bruschetta with fresh tomatoes and basil.It: La nonna aveva fatto la sua famosa pasta al limone.En: Grandma had made her famous lemon pasta.It: I piatti erano pieni e le risate riempivano la stanza.En: The plates were full, and laughter filled the room.It: Dopo cena, la famiglia si riunì intorno al fuoco.En: After dinner, the family gathered around the fire.It: Nonno Giuseppe iniziò a raccontare storie antiche.En: Grandpa Giuseppe began to tell...