Lost and Found: Unveiling the Unexpected Charms of Bergen
Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Lost and Found: Unveiling the Unexpected Charms of Bergen Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/lost-and-found-unveiling-the-unexpected-charms-of-bergen Story Transcript:Nb: Det brøt ut latter i den smale gaten.En: Laughter broke out in the narrow street.Nb: Lars og Ingrid stod forvirret midt i Bergen.En: Lars and Ingrid stood confused in the middle of Bergen.Nb: De skulle til fiskemarkedet.En: They were supposed to go to the fish market.Nb: Men de gikk feil vei.En: But they went the wrong way.Nb: De endte på en strikkekonvensjon.En: They ended up at a knitting convention.Nb: I det fjerne kunne de høre sjøen.En: In the distance, they could hear the sea.Nb: Men det var ikke en vanlig lyd av sjøen.En: But it wasn't the usual sound of the sea.Nb: Det var lyden av mennesker, latter, og barn som ropte.En: It was the sound of people, laughter, and children shouting.Nb: Gatene i Bergen var smale og svingete.En: The streets in Bergen were narrow and winding.Nb: Det var lett å gå seg vill.En: It was easy to get lost.Nb: Lars og Ingrid hadde tatt feil vei.En: Lars and Ingrid had taken the wrong way.Nb: De ville finne tilbake.En: They wanted to find their way back.Nb: Men de visste ikke hvilken vei de skulle ta.En: But they didn't know which way to go.Nb: De kunne se de snøkledde fjellene.En: They could see the snow-covered mountains.Nb: Men de kunne ikke se sjøen.En: But they couldn't see the sea.Nb: Henrik var også i Bergen.En: Henrik was also in Bergen.Nb: Han var en venn av Lars og Ingrid.En: He was a friend of Lars and Ingrid.Nb: Han så dem fra en avstand.En: He saw them from a distance.Nb: Han ropte og vinket.En: He shouted and waved.Nb: Men de hørte ham ikke.En: But they didn't hear him.Nb: De var forvirret.En: They were confused.Nb: De visste ikke hvor de skulle gå.En: They didn't know where to go.Nb: Da Henrik kom nærmere, gjenkjente de ham.En: When Henrik got closer, they recognized him.Nb: Han pekte på veien som ledet til strikkekonvensjonen.En: He pointed to the path that led to the knitting convention.Nb: De gikk dit.En: They went there.Nb: Strikkekonvensjonen var stort.En: The knitting convention was big.Nb: Det var mange mennesker der.En: There were many people there.Nb: Det var strikkede gensere, luer, og sokker overalt.En: Knitted sweaters, hats, and socks were everywhere.Nb: Alle strikket.En: Everyone was knitting.Nb: Noen strikket fort, noen sakte.En: Some knitted fast, some slowly.Nb: Det var en nål som gikk gjennom garnet.En: A needle went through the yarn.Nb: Det ble til en lue.En: It turned into a hat.Nb: En annen nål gikk gjennom et annet garn.En: Another needle went through another yarn.Nb: Det ble til en sokk.En: It turned into a sock.Nb: Det var som om garnet ble tryllet om til klær.En: It was as if the yarn was magically transformed into clothes.Nb: Lars, Ingrid og Henrik gikk gjennom folkemengden.En: Lars, Ingrid, and Henrik walked through the crowd.Nb: De så de mange produktene.En: They saw the many products.Nb: De så alle som strikket.En: They saw everyone knitting.Nb: De...