Midsummer Romantics: A Tale of Laughter and Snaps in City Park

Fluent Fiction - Swedish - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Swedish: Midsummer Romantics: A Tale of Laughter and Snaps in City Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/midsummer-romantics-a-tale-of-laughter-and-snaps-in-city-park Story Transcript:Sv: En lekfull sommarbreeze, doft av gräs och blommor, hörde Erik korta klipp klipp tillsammans med skratt och gnäll från barnljud.En: On a playful summer breeze, the scent of grass and flowers, Erik heard the short clip-clop along with laughter and whining from children's voices.Sv: Han var i Stadsparken, Stockholm.En: He was in the City Park, Stockholm.Sv: Midsommarfest pågick.En: Midsummer celebration was in full swing.Sv: Erik förberedde sig.En: Erik prepared himself.Sv: Han var nervös.En: He was nervous.Sv: Spännande glupska ögon glänste mot himlen.En: Exciting greedy eyes sparkled towards the sky.Sv: Färgstarka blommor putsa toppen på mastodont majstången.En: Colorful flowers adorned the top of the mammoth maypole.Sv: Människor virvlade i dans.En: People whirled in dance.Sv: Vuxna var fulla av skratt, barn springer kring stången.En: Adults were full of laughter, children running around the pole.Sv: Och alla hade ett glas snaps i handen.En: And everyone had a glass of snaps in hand.Sv: Absolut ingen ville tappa sin snaps.En: Absolutely no one wanted to spill their snaps.Sv: Vi möter Astrid.En: We meet Astrid.Sv: Hon var så charmig.En: She was so charming.Sv: Rött hår, glittrande blåa ögon.En: Red hair, sparkling blue eyes.Sv: Hennes leende kunde tända upp hela Stockholm på en mörk vinternatt.En: Her smile could light up the whole of Stockholm on a dark winter night.Sv: Hon skakade på huvudet mot Eriks oro.En: She shook her head at Erik's worry.Sv: Erik var ofta orolig.En: Erik was often anxious.Sv: Nu var det snapsen.En: Now it was the snaps.Sv: Han ville absolut inte spilla.En: He absolutely did not want to spill it.Sv: Hon skrattade.En: She laughed.Sv: Hejda honom att vara för försiktig.En: Stopped him from being too cautious.Sv: Lekfullt tog hon hans hand.En: Playfully, she took his hand.Sv: De gick mot stången.En: They walked towards the pole.Sv: När musiken började virvla de runt stången.En: As the music started, they swirled around the pole.Sv: Erik var fast och galen på rytmen.En: Erik was caught up and lost in the rhythm.Sv: Han försökte fokusera.En: He tried to focus.Sv: Snurren, musiken, folk runt, Astrid bredvid honom, och hans snäpp.En: The spins, the music, people around, Astrid beside him, and his snaps.Sv: Allt var roligt men förvirrande.En: Everything was fun but confusing.Sv: Han var nära att spilla sin snaps på Astrid.En: He was close to spilling his snaps on Astrid.Sv: Det blev hans största rädsla just nu.En: It became his biggest fear at that moment.Sv: Stressade Erik tappade greppet om glaset.En: Stressed, Erik lost his grip on the glass.Sv: Ovan på Astrid!En: It spilled on Astrid!Sv: Hon satt kallt, kladdigt, genomblöt.En: She sat cold, sticky, soaked.Sv: Han var vettskrämd.En: He was terrified.Sv: Alla stannade.En: Everyone stopped.Sv: Tittade på dem.En: They looked at them.Sv: Astrid var tyst.En: Astrid was...