The Ikea Adventure: Conquering Furniture Frustrations

Fluent Fiction - Swedish - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Swedish: The Ikea Adventure: Conquering Furniture Frustrations Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sv: Det var en helt vanlig söndag.En: It was a completely ordinary Sunday.Sv: Emma och Gustav stod i en lång kö.En: Emma and Gustav stood in a long queue.Sv: Det lättade dock att de stod i den berömda svenska byggsatsbutiken, Ikea.En: However, it lightened their mood that they were standing in the famous Swedish furniture store, Ikea.Sv: De väntade tålmodigt på sin tur för att plocka upp sin nyskaffade Billy bokhylla.En: They patiently waited for their turn to pick up their newly acquired Billy bookcase.Sv: Överhuvudtaget visste de inte vad de gick in för.En: In general, they had no idea what they were getting themselves into.Sv: Efter de betalade och åkt hem, lade de ut alla delar på golvet.En: After they paid and went home, they spread out all the parts on the floor.Sv: Emma öppnade instruktionsboken.En: Emma opened the instruction manual.Sv: Gustav granskade de mystiska trästycken och skruvar.En: Gustav examined the mysterious wooden pieces and screws.Sv: "Emma," sa Gustav.En: "Emma," Gustav said.Sv: "Jag kan inte hitta del nummer sju.En: "I can't find part number seven."Sv: "Men Emma tittade bara på boken.En: But Emma just looked at the book.Sv: Hon sade, "Vi börjar med del ett, Gustav.En: She said, "We start with part one, Gustav."Sv: "Timmar passerade.En: Hours passed.Sv: Gustav och Emma kämpade.En: Gustav and Emma struggled.Sv: Skruvarna var hårda och trästyckena passade inte.En: The screws were tight and the wooden pieces didn't fit.Sv: De tog paus för att äta köttbullar.En: They took a break to eat meatballs.Sv: "Vi kan inte ge upp," sa Gustav.En: "We can't give up," Gustav said.Sv: "Vi ger inte upp," sa Emma, "jag har en plan.En: "We won't give up," Emma said, "I have a plan."Sv: "De följde instruktionerna igen.En: They followed the instructions again.Sv: Ändå fanns det extra delar på golvet.En: Yet, there were extra parts on the floor.Sv: Men möbeln stod där.En: But the furniture stood there.Sv: "Det verkar stabilt," sa Emma, och de båda drog en lättnadens suck.En: "It seems sturdy," Emma said, and they both let out a sigh of relief.Sv: "Gustav, vad gör vi med extra delarna?En: "Gustav, what do we do with the extra parts?"Sv: " frågade Emma.En: Emma asked.Sv: "In i lådan med dem," skrattade Gustav.En: "Put them in the box," Gustav laughed.Sv: Emma nickade.En: Emma nodded.Sv: De var trötta men lyckade.En: They were tired but successful.Sv: Så, på en helt vanlig söndag, Emma och Gustav byggde en Billy bokhylla.En: So, on a completely ordinary Sunday, Emma and Gustav built a Billy bookcase.Sv: De hade extra delar men det gjorde ingenting.En: They had extra parts, but it didn't matter.Sv: Billy stod ståtligt i deras vardagsrum, redo för att bli fylld med böcker.En: Billy stood proudly in their living room, ready to be filled with books.Sv: Både Emma och Gustav log mot varandra - de hade gjort det tillsammans.En: Both Emma and Gustav smiled at each other - they had done it together. Vocabulary Words:ordinary: vanligSunday:...