A Day at Cape Waterfront: Love, Fashion, and Sunset Bliss

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: A Day at Cape Waterfront: Love, Fashion, and Sunset Bliss Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-day-at-cape-waterfront-love-fashion-and-sunset-bliss Story Transcript:Af: Die son skyn helder oor die Kaapse Waterfront.En: The sun shines brightly over the Cape Waterfront.Af: Johan en Annelie loop hand aan hand aan die waterkant.En: Johan and Annelie walk hand in hand along the waterside.Af: Hulle geniet die warm somerson en die reuk van die soutwater.En: They enjoy the warm summer sun and the smell of the saltwater.Af: "Hulle sê daar is 'n nuwe boetiek hier naby," sê Annelie opgewonde.En: "They say there's a new boutique nearby," says Annelie excitedly.Af: "Kom ons gaan kyk," antwoord Johan met 'n glimlag.En: "Let's go check it out," answers Johan with a smile.Af: Hulle stap na die boetiek met die naam "Stralende Somer.En: They walk to the boutique named "Radiant Summer."Af: " Die winkel is vol kleurvolle somerklere.En: The shop is full of colorful summer clothes.Af: Annelie sien dadelik 'n rok wat sy hou van.En: Annelie immediately spots a dress she likes.Af: "Kyk hierdie, Johan!En: "Look at this, Johan!Af: Dis perfek vir ons piekniek volgende naweek.En: It's perfect for our picnic next weekend."Af: "Johan glimlag.En: Johan smiles.Af: "Dis pragtig.En: "It's beautiful.Af: En dit sal goed pas by jou.En: And it will suit you well.Af: Ek dink ek kort 'n nuwe kortbroek.En: I think I need a new pair of shorts.Af: My ou een is uitgedien.En: My old ones are worn out."Af: "Hulle gaan na die veranderkamers.En: They go to the fitting rooms.Af: Annelie pas die rok en draai in die spieël voor Johan.En: Annelie tries on the dress and twirls in the mirror before Johan.Af: "Wat dink jy?En: "What do you think?"Af: ""Dit lyk fantasties," sê Johan.En: "It looks fantastic," says Johan.Af: "Jy straal regtig in daardie rok.En: "You really shine in that dress."Af: " Annelie bloos en glimlag.En: Annelie blushes and smiles.Af: Johan probeer 'n paar kortbroeke aan voordat hy een kies wat gemaklik is en goed lyk.En: Johan tries on a few pairs of shorts before choosing one that is comfortable and looks good.Af: Hy het een in 'n helder blou kleur gevind wat by sy oë pas.En: He found one in a bright blue color that matches his eyes.Af: Met hulle nuwe klere in hand, beslis hulle om ete te gaan soek.En: With their new clothes in hand, they decide to look for dinner.Af: Die Waterfront het baie restaurante.En: The Waterfront has many restaurants.Af: Hulle kies een met sitplek buite.En: They choose one with outdoor seating.Af: "Ek het regtig die uitstappie geniet," sê Annelie terwyl sy aan haar slaai eet.En: "I really enjoyed the outing," says Annelie while she's eating her salad.Af: "Dis lekker om iets nuuts te kry en die vars lug te geniet.En: "It's nice to get something new and enjoy the fresh air."Af: "Johan stem saam.En: Johan agrees.Af: "Ons moet dit meer gereeld doen.En: "We should do this more often.Af: Kaapstad het soveel om te bied.En: Cape Town has so much to offer."Af: "Later, met vol mae en nuwe aankope, stap hulle stadig terug na die motor.En: Later, with full bellies and new purchases, they slowly walk back to the car.Af:...