A New Dawn for Jacobus: Turning Recognition into Opportunity

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: A New Dawn for Jacobus: Turning Recognition into Opportunity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/af/episode/2024-12-26-08-38-19-af Story Transcript:Af: Die son het helder oorhoofs geskyn en die kantoorgebou glinster in die somerson.En: The sun shone brightly overhead, and the office building glittered in the summer sun.Af: Binne was daar 'n atmosfeer van opgewondenheid.En: Inside, there was an atmosphere of excitement.Af: Die maand Desember bring altyd erkenning en 'n bietjie rus na 'n besige jaar.En: The month of December always brings recognition and a bit of rest after a busy year.Af: Die kantoor was vrolik versier met klein liggies en rooi en groen ornamente, herinneringe aan die feesgety wat op hande was.En: The office was cheerfully decorated with small lights and red and green ornaments, reminders of the festive season at hand.Af: Vandag was die dag van prestasie-evaluasies en bonusse.En: Today was the day of performance evaluations and bonuses.Af: Jacobus het aan sy lessenaar gesit, sy gedagtes swaar met verwagting.En: Jacobus sat at his desk, his thoughts heavy with expectation.Af: Hy was 'n ywerige werker, altyd bereid om te help en take bo sy roep te hanteer.En: He was a diligent worker, always willing to help and handle tasks beyond his duty.Af: Tog het dit dikwels gevoel of sy pogings misgekyk word.En: Yet it often felt like his efforts were overlooked.Af: Hy wou graag hierdie keer erkenning kry, veral aangesien hy sy gesin verder wou ondersteun.En: He dearly wished to receive recognition this time, especially since he wanted to further support his family.Af: Annelie, sy goeie vriendin en kollega, het aan die oorkant van die kantoor gelag en gesels met ander werknemers.En: Annelie, his good friend and colleague, was laughing and chatting with other employees across the office.Af: Sy was altyd ambisieus en het 'n goeie verhouding met die bestuur gebou.En: She was always ambitious and had built a good relationship with the management.Af: Jacobus merk dit op.En: Jacobus noticed this.Af: 'Sy is seker die gunsteling vir die bonus,' dink hy.En: ‘She’s surely the favorite for the bonus,’ he thought.Af: Dit was hom moeilik om nie 'n bietjie jaloers te voel nie.En: It was difficult for him not to feel a bit jealous.Af: Teen middagete het almal in die vergaderkamer bymekaargekom.En: By lunchtime, everyone gathered in the meeting room.Af: Die lug was gespanne met afwagting soos Pieter, die regverdige maar uitdagende bestuurder, uit sy kantoor gestap het.En: The air was tense with anticipation as Pieter, the fair but challenging manager, stepped out of his office.Af: Hy was bekend daarvoor dat hy nie nonsies duld nie, maar hy was ook eerlik en reguit.En: He was known for not tolerating nonsense, but he was also honest and straightforward.Af: "Pieters," begin hy, "vandag erken ons harde werk en toewyding.En: "Pieters," he began, "today we recognize hard work and dedication.Af: Die bonus gaan aan die persoon wat nie net teikens getref het nie, maar ook inisiatief getoon het en uitsonderlike leierskap gewys het.En: The bonus goes to the person who not only hit targets but also showed initiative and exceptional leadership."Af: " Jacobus het sy asem opgehou, hoopvol, maar gretig om niks te verwag nie en juis sy kalmte te behou.En: Jacobus held his breath, hopeful, but eager to expect nothing and maintain his composure.Af: "Die bonus gaan...