A Perilous Climb: Rediscovering Friendship in Baviaanskloof

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: A Perilous Climb: Rediscovering Friendship in Baviaanskloof Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-perilous-climb-rediscovering-friendship-in-baviaanskloof Story Transcript:Af: Riaan en Marelize stap deur die pragtige Baviaanskloof.En: Riaan and Marelize walk through the beautiful Baviaanskloof.Af: Die lug is vars en vol lentegeure.En: The air is fresh and full of spring scents.Af: Rondom hulle is berge en helder blomme wat kleur aan die landskap gee.En: Around them are mountains and bright flowers that add color to the landscape.Af: Riaan is stil.En: Riaan is quiet.Af: Hy staar voor hom uit en dink aan sy toekoms.En: He stares ahead, thinking about his future.Af: Marelize merk sy stilte op en voel 'n knyp in haar hart.En: Marelize notices his silence and feels a pang in her heart.Af: Sy verlang na die dae toe Riaan vir haar alles vertel het.En: She longs for the days when Riaan told her everything.Af: "Kom ons klim," stel Marelize voor terwyl sy na 'n hoër uitkykpunt wys.En: "Let's climb," suggests Marelize as she points to a higher vantage point.Af: "Van daar af sal ons kan sien waarheen om te gaan.En: "From there, we'll be able to see where to go."Af: " Riaan huiwer, maar stem in.En: Riaan hesitates but agrees.Af: Sy behoefte aan orde en beheer laat hom ongemaklik voel oor onverwagse dinge.En: His need for order and control makes him uncomfortable about unexpected things.Af: Hulle begin klim, hul voete gly soms op die klippe.En: They begin to climb, their feet occasionally slipping on the rocks.Af: Die son skyn helder en 'n briesie koel hul gesigte af.En: The sun shines brightly, and a breeze cools their faces.Af: "Ek wens ek het die kaart gebring," sê Riaan effens gespanne.En: "I wish I had brought the map," says Riaan, slightly tense.Af: Maar Marelize lag.En: But Marelize laughs.Af: "Ons sal regkom.En: "We'll be fine.Af: Vertrou net," sê sy met 'n warm glimlag.En: Just trust," she says with a warm smile.Af: Soos hulle klim, begin Marelize oor hul vriendskap praat.En: As they climb, Marelize starts talking about their friendship.Af: "Ek voel jy het verander, Riaan.En: "I feel you've changed, Riaan.Af: Ek mis ons geselsies," bieg sy.En: I miss our chats," she confesses.Af: Voor Marelize haar sin kan voltooi, gly sy skielik.En: Before Marelize can finish her sentence, she suddenly slips.Af: Sy gil en gryp na 'n nabygeleë tak.En: She screams and grabs for a nearby branch.Af: Riaan spring vorentoe, sy hart klop vinnig.En: Riaan jumps forward, his heart beating fast.Af: Sy hande sluit om Marelize s'n en trek haar terug, sy asem rukkerig van die skrik.En: His hands clasp Marelize's and pull her back, his breath ragged from the fright.Af: Daar, in dié oomblik van angs, sien Riaan die dierbare vriendin wat hy amper verloor het, nie net letterlik nie, maar ook figuurlik.En: There, in this moment of fear, Riaan sees the dear friend he almost lost, not just literally, but also figuratively.Af: Hulle gaan sit stadig.En: They sit down slowly.Af: In die stilte, ná die adrenalien, kyk hulle mekaar diep in die oë.En: In the silence, after the adrenaline rush, they look deeply into each other's eyes.Af: Riaan se stem is sag en eerlik.En: Riaan's voice is soft and honest.Af: "Ek is...