A Proposal Under the Kirstenbosch Sun
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: A Proposal Under the Kirstenbosch Sun Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/af/episode/2024-12-10-08-38-19-af Story Transcript:Af: Die son het helder geskyn oor Kirstenbosch Botaniese Tuin.En: The sun shone brightly over Kirstenbosch Botaniese Tuin.Af: Dit was 'n pragtige somerdag in Kaapstad.En: It was a beautiful summer day in Kaapstad.Af: Jaco het vinnig na die skadu van die groot eikeboom geloop, sy hart vol verwagting.En: Jaco quickly walked to the shade of the big oak tree, his heart full of expectation.Af: Hy het geweet vandag was die dag.En: He knew today was the day.Af: Hy het die bloeisels bewonder, vibrant en lewendig, terwyl die koel briesie oor hom gewaai het.En: He admired the blossoms, vibrant and lively, while the cool breeze wafted over him.Af: Dieselfde briesie het sy gedagtes georden; dit was tyd om sy toekoms met Anya in te kleur.En: The same breeze ordered his thoughts; it was time to color his future with Anya.Af: Anya het al vroeër aangekom en was besig om die piekniekmandjie op die kleurvolle kombers uit te pak.En: Anya had arrived earlier and was busy unpacking the picnic basket on the colorful blanket.Af: Sy het liefgehad hoe die natuur haar kalmeer, maar vandag was sy effens onrustig.En: She loved how nature calmed her, but today she felt slightly uneasy.Af: 'Ek hoop alles is reg tussen ons,' het sy by haarself gedink.En: "I hope everything is right between us," she thought to herself.Af: Marelize het in stille afwagting aangekom, die wonderlike uitsig op Tafelberg bewonderend.En: Marelize arrived in silent anticipation, admiring the wonderful view of Tafelberg.Af: Haar glimlag was breed, maar haar hart het 'n ander storie vertel.En: Her smile was wide, but her heart told another story.Af: Sy het haar gevoelens vir Jaco diep binne probeer wegsteek, maar vandag het sy vir Anya se onthalwe daar wees.En: She tried to hide her feelings for Jaco deep inside, but today she was there for Anya's sake.Af: Jaco het diep asemgehaal en nader gestap.En: Jaco took a deep breath and walked closer.Af: “Hallo julle,” het hy gesę en gaan sit.En: “Hello, everyone,” he said and sat down.Af: Die middag was gevul met lag en geselsies.En: The afternoon was filled with laughter and chats.Af: Die drie het die mandjie se lekkernye geniet — koue gebraaide hoender, vrugtesap en, natuurlik, biltong.En: The three enjoyed the treats from the basket — cold roast chicken, fruit juice, and, of course, biltong.Af: "Hierdie tuine is so wonderlik," het Jaco gesê, wat terselfdertyd sy hand binne sy sak gesteek het.En: "These gardens are so wonderful," Jaco said, while simultaneously reaching into his pocket.Af: Hy het na die ring gevoel, sy hart vinnig kloppend.En: He felt for the ring, his heart pounding quickly.Af: Anya het sy onrustigheid gevoel en haar eie vrese begin voed.En: Anya sensed his unease and started feeding her own fears.Af: Maar in plaas van om bekommerd te wees, het sy besluit om die dag te geniet.En: But instead of worrying, she decided to enjoy the day.Af: Nadat hulle geëet het, het Jaco senuweeagtig regop gaan staan, sy blik op Anya gefokus.En: After they ate, Jaco nervously stood up, his gaze focused on Anya.Af: "Anya," het hy begin, sy stem effens bewerig.En: "Anya," he began, his voice slightly shaky.Af: Dis toe dat Marelize onbewustelik 'n versugting gelos het, harder as bedoel.