A Summer Christmas: Unite for a Stellar Project Proposal

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: A Summer Christmas: Unite for a Stellar Project Proposal Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/af/episode/2024-12-26-23-34-02-af Story Transcript:Af: Die lug was vol verwagting by die korporatiewe kantoor.En: The air at the corporate office was full of anticipation.Af: Dit was somer, en die warm son skyn helder oor die stad.En: It was summer, and the warm sun shone brightly over the city.Af: Binne die kantoor was dit koel en gesellig.En: Inside the office, it was cool and cozy.Af: Kersfeesversierings pryk trots teen die mure.En: Christmas decorations adorned the walls proudly.Af: Stringe liggies flikker en Kersballe glinster vrolik.En: Strings of lights twinkled and Christmas baubles glistened cheerfully.Af: Leonie, 'n ywerige projekbestuurder, stap haastig na die vergaderkamer.En: Leonie, an enthusiastic project manager, walked hastily to the conference room.Af: Sy dra haar mooiste werksuitrusting, gereed om haar nuwe projekvoorstel voor haar base aan te bied.En: She wore her best work outfit, ready to present her new project proposal to her bosses.Af: Sy droom van 'n bevordering.En: She dreamed of a promotion.Af: Die kamer is gevul met 'n mengsel van spanning en opgewondenheid.En: The room was filled with a mix of tension and excitement.Af: Haar kollegas berei hulle voor vir die jaareind-evaluerings.En: Her colleagues prepared themselves for the year-end evaluations.Af: Frans en Annelie, haar kollegas, sit naby en gee haar 'n bemoedigende knik.En: Frans and Annelie, her colleagues, sat nearby and gave her an encouraging nod.Af: Die digitale horlosie op die muur wys dat dit amper tyd is vir Leonie se aanbieding.En: The digital clock on the wall showed it was almost time for Leonie's presentation.Af: Sy neem 'n diep asemteug, probeer kalm bly.En: She took a deep breath, trying to stay calm.Af: Maar iets is nie reg nie.En: But something was not right.Af: Haar neus begin jeuk, en haar oë traan.En: Her nose started to itch, and her eyes teared up.Af: Die jeuk raak erger, en haar gemoed jaag vinnig van vrees.En: The itch worsened, and her mind raced with fear.Af: 'n Allerergiese reaksie, hier en nou!En: An allergic reaction, here and now!Af: Sy vra haarself, wat kon dit wees?En: She asked herself, what could it be?Af: Moet sy vir hulp vra of probeer voortgaan?En: Should she ask for help or try to continue?Af: Die gedagte om hierdie kans te laat verbygaan, knaag aan haar.En: The thought of letting this opportunity pass gnawed at her.Af: Maar die reaksie verstomp haar fokus.En: But the reaction dulled her focus.Af: Terwyl die vergadering aan die gang is, bly Leonie stil.En: While the meeting was underway, Leonie remained silent.Af: Haar oë water en sy druk die woorde uit, maar haar stem kraak.En: Her eyes watered, and she pressed out the words, but her voice cracked.Af: Terwyl sy tot by die kern van haar voorstel kom, weet sy daar is net een regte ding om te doen.En: As she reached the core of her proposal, she knew there was only one right thing to do.Af: Haar trots moet plek maak vir rede.En: Her pride had to make way for reason.Af: "Frans, jy ken die projek.En: "Frans, you know the project.Af: Kan jy asseblief oorneem?En: Can you please take over?"Af: " vra sy skielik.En: she asked suddenly.Af:...