A Tradition Unveiled: A Journey of Secrets and Resolutions

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: A Tradition Unveiled: A Journey of Secrets and Resolutions Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/af/episode/2025-01-02-23-34-02-af Story Transcript:Af: Die lig breek stadig oor die horizon, kleur die lug in sagte skakerings van pienk en goud.En: The light slowly breaks over the horizon, painting the sky in soft shades of pink and gold.Af: Pieter, sy gesig ernstig, staan op die rotsagtige pad teen Table Mountain.En: Pieter, his face serious, stands on the rocky path up Table Mountain.Af: Sy hart voel swaar, maar ook vol vasberadenheid.En: His heart feels heavy, but also full of determination.Af: Langs hom loop Annelie, haar wenkbroue bekommerd saamgetrek.En: Beside him walks Annelie, her eyebrows drawn together in concern.Af: Sy kyk op na die donker wolke wat begin saampak, en die wind wat deur die gras woel.En: She looks up at the dark clouds gathering, and the wind rustling through the grass.Af: "Ek weet Ouma wou hê ons moet dit vandag doen," sê Annelie, haar stem deur die wind gedra.En: "I know Ouma wanted us to do this today," says Annelie, her voice carried by the wind.Af: "Maar die weer is gevaarlik."En: "But the weather is dangerous."Af: Pieter kyk na sy sussie, daardie liefde en bekommernis in haar oë.En: Pieter looks at his sister, the love and worry in her eyes.Af: "Dis Ouma se wens, Annelie. Die eerste lig van die Nuwe Jaar. Ons kan nie omdraai nie."En: "It’s Ouma’s wish, Annelie. The first light of the New Year. We can’t turn back."Af: Kobus stap agter hulle, sy hande in sy sakke.En: Kobus walks behind them, his hands in his pockets.Af: 'n Man met veel meer op sy hart as net simpatie.En: A man with much more on his mind than just sympathy.Af: Hy het 'n geheim wat hy tot nou toe verswyg het.En: He has a secret he has kept until now.Af: Sy oë is op die grond gefokus, elke tree 'n debat met homself.En: His eyes are focused on the ground, each step a debate with himself.Af: Die pad na die top van Table Mountain is nie maklik nie.En: The path to the top of Table Mountain is not easy.Af: Fynbos ritsel om hulle heen, en die klipstapels rondom getuig van die onvoorspelbaarheid van die natuur.En: Fynbos rustles around them, and the stone piles testify to the unpredictability of nature.Af: Die wind waai sterker, en Annelie huiwer.En: The wind blows stronger, and Annelie hesitates.Af: "Pieter," roep sy, haar stem vasberade, al is dit sagter as sy eie twyfel.En: "Pieter," she calls, her voice determined, even though it’s softer than her own doubts.Af: "Ek… ek is bekommerd."En: "I… I’m worried."Af: Pieter skud net sy kop.En: Pieter just shakes his head.Af: "Ek moet dit doen."En: "I have to do this."Af: Kobus stop skielik.En: Kobus suddenly stops.Af: "Wag," sê hy, sy stem ernstig.En: "Wait," he says, his voice serious.Af: Pieter draai om, sy oë fronsend.En: Pieter turns, his eyes frowning.Af: "Ek moet iets vertel. Dit gaan oor Ouma."En: "I have to tell you something. It’s about Ouma."Af: Annelie en Pieter kyk beide na Kobus.En: Annelie and Pieter both look at Kobus.Af: Sy oë is vol onsekerheid, maar ook vasberadenheid.En: His eyes are full of uncertainty, but also determination.Af: "Ouma het my gevra, voor sy gegaan het," begin Kobus stadig, sy stem rou van emosie.En: "Ouma asked me, before she went," begins Kobus slowly, his...