Adventure and Discovery in Tafelberg: A Journey Unveiled

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Adventure and Discovery in Tafelberg: A Journey Unveiled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Sonopligte val sag oor Tafelberg Nasionale Park.En: The morning light softly falls over Tafelberg National Park.Af: Riaan het sy toerkaart in die hand en kyk na die groep toeriste wat by hom wag.En: Riaan has his tour map in hand and looks at the group of tourists waiting for him.Af: Hy knik vir Eloise en sy glimlag stralend terug.En: He nods at Eloise, and she beams back at him.Af: Vandag is belangrik.En: Today is important.Af: Hy moet indruk maak op sy supervisor, en sy moet wys sy is bekwaam.En: He has to impress his supervisor, and she has to show she's capable.Af: Die somerson skyn helder en warm.En: The summer sun shines brightly and warmly.Af: Dit is 'n goeie dag vir 'n staptoer.En: It's a good day for a hike.Af: Behalwe vir Thabo, wat nie hierdie uitstappie wou doen nie, maar sy vriende het hom oortuig.En: Except for Thabo, who didn't want to do this outing, but his friends convinced him.Af: Hy hou veel meer daarvan om binne te wees, maar hy het sy kamera bring, net ingeval.En: He much prefers staying indoors, but he brought his camera just in case.Af: “Welkom almal,” sê Riaan entoesiasties.En: "Welcome everyone," says Riaan enthusiastically.Af: Hy stel Eloise voor en die groep begin opstap.En: He introduces Eloise, and the group begins to hike.Af: Die paadjies kronkel deur die digte veld, en kleurvolle blomme steek skitterend uit die groen uit.En: The paths wind through the dense bush, and colorful flowers stand out brilliantly against the green.Af: Riaan deel sy kennis oor die diverse flora en fauna.En: Riaan shares his knowledge about the diverse flora and fauna.Af: Skielik trek wolke oor die berg.En: Suddenly, clouds move over the mountain.Af: Die reuk van reën hang swaar in die lug.En: The smell of rain hangs heavy in the air.Af: Eloise byt op haar onderlip, effens senuweeagtig.En: Eloise bites her lower lip, slightly nervous.Af: Die groep begin stadiger beweeg, en Riaan sien hoe Thabo die landskap om hom studeer, al is hy nogal stil.En: The group starts to move slower, and Riaan notices Thabo studying the landscape around him, even though he’s quite quiet.Af: Riaan weet die weer kan vinnig draai.En: Riaan knows the weather can change quickly.Af: Hy neem 'n diep asem en besluit om 'n ander roete te volg.En: He takes a deep breath and decides to take a different route.Af: Hy ken die paadjie goed en weet daar is iets spesiaals, iets wat die toeriste sal verbaas.En: He knows the path well and knows there is something special, something that will surprise the tourists.Af: "Ons gaan 'n afdraai maak," kondig hy aan.En: "We're going to take a detour," he announces.Af: Eloise kyk hom verras aan, maar volg sy leiding.En: Eloise looks at him in surprise but follows his lead.Af: Thabo strompel agterna, effens morrend.En: Thabo stumbles along, grumbling slightly.Af: Die paadjie is minder gebruik, maar Riaan lei hulle met selfvertroue.En: The path is less traveled, but Riaan leads them confidently.Af: Skielik stop hulle.En: Suddenly, they stop.Af: Voor hulle, skyn 'n skaars rooivalk hoog in die lug, swewend oor die woeste landskap.En: In front of them, a rare red falcon shines high in the sky,...