Anna's Courage: Leading Through the Hailstorm Crisis

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Anna's Courage: Leading Through the Hailstorm Crisis Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die klokkie lui luid oor die gange van Hoërskool Johannesburg.En: The bell rings loudly through the halls of Hoërskool Johannesburg.Af: Dit is 'n gewone lentemôre, vol opwinding en energie.En: It is a typical spring morning, full of excitement and energy.Af: Die mure is bedek met helder blomme en lewendige skilderye, geskep deur die kreatiewe kunsklas.En: The walls are covered with bright flowers and lively paintings, created by the creative art class.Af: Anna stap vinnig deur die lang gang na haar volgende klas.En: Anna walks quickly through the long corridor to her next class.Af: Sy is die hoof van die debatspan en 'n briljante student, maar diep binne haar is 'n knaende angs.En: She is the head of the debate team and a brilliant student, but deep inside her, there is a gnawing anxiety.Af: Skielik, sonder waarskuwing, begin die weer buite dramaties verander.En: Suddenly, without warning, the weather outside begins to change dramatically.Af: Wolke pak saam en 'n hewige haelstorm begin onverskrokke op die dakke beuk.En: Clouds gather, and a fierce hailstorm begins relentlessly pounding on the roofs.Af: Die skoolhoof kondig vinnig 'n skoolsluiting aan oor die luidsprekers.En: The principal quickly announces a school closure over the loudspeakers.Af: Studente moet binne bly.En: Students must stay inside.Af: Paniek begin in die gange opvlam.En: Panic begins to flare up in the halls.Af: Anna voel 'n swaar verantwoordelikheid.En: Anna feels a heavy responsibility.Af: As leier in die skool moes sy kalm bly.En: As a leader in the school, she needed to remain calm.Af: Sy kyk na Johan en Elsie, twee goeie vriende en medelede van die debatspan.En: She looks at Johan and Elsie, two good friends and fellow members of the debate team.Af: "Ons moet ondersteun," sê sy, probeer om haar stem stabiel te hou.En: "We must provide support," she says, trying to keep her voice steady.Af: "Kom ons help om almal veilig te hou.En: "Let's help to keep everyone safe."Af: "Haar gedagtes jaag, maar sy besluit om die leerlinge in kleiner, kalm groepies te organiseer.En: Her thoughts race, but she decides to organize the students into smaller, calm groups.Af: Sy vra Johan om by die jongeres te staan en hulle te kalmeer met stories.En: She asks Johan to stand with the younger ones and calm them with stories.Af: Elsie moet saamsing, 'n aktiwiteit wat altyd help om spanning te verlig.En: Elsie is to sing along, an activity that always helps to relieve tension.Af: Anna weet dat dit nodig is om beheer te behou en die vrees te hanteer.En: Anna knows it is necessary to maintain control and manage the fear.Af: Dan, die ergste gebeur.En: Then, the worst happens.Af: ‘n Venster in die ou biblioteek bars oop as gevolg van die intense hael.En: A window in the old library bursts open due to the intense hail.Af: Glasstukke spat oor die vloer.En: Shards of glass scatter across the floor.Af: Studente skree en stapel oor mekaar.En: Students scream and pile over one another.Af: Anna draf daarheen en roep uit, "Geen paniek nie!En: Anna runs there and calls out, "No panic!Af: Kom ons beweeg stadig weg van die vensters.En: Let's move...