Annelie's Christmas Duet: A Tale of Music and Teamwork

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Annelie's Christmas Duet: A Tale of Music and Teamwork Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die klanke van opgewondenheid vul die lug van die klaskamer.En: The sounds of excitement fill the air of the classroom.Af: Die somerson sak stadig oor die hoërskool in Kaapstad.En: The summer sun sets slowly over the high school in Kaapstad.Af: Die talentvertoning is 'n groot gebeurtenis by die skool, veral noudat dit Kersfees is.En: The talent show is a big event at the school, especially now that it is Christmas.Af: Kleurryke liggies flikker en kransies draai oor die verhoog van die ouditorium.En: Colorful lights flicker and garlands swirl over the stage of the auditorium.Af: In hierdie feestelike atmosfeer droom Annelie groot.En: In this festive atmosphere, Annelie dreams big.Af: Sy wil 'n duet sing wat almal sal onthou.En: She wants to sing a duet that everyone will remember.Af: Annelie is 'n talentvolle sanger.En: Annelie is a talented singer.Af: Haar stem is helder en sterk.En: Her voice is clear and strong.Af: Sy droom groot drome, en hierdie talentvertoning is haar kans.En: She dreams big dreams, and this talent show is her chance.Af: "Johan, as jy saam met my speel op jou kitaar, sal ons 'n wonderlike duet kan hê!En: "Johan, if you play with me on your guitar, we can have a wonderful duet!"Af: " sê sy met vonkelende oë.En: she says with sparkling eyes.Af: Maar Johan twyfel.En: But Johan hesitates.Af: Hy frons.En: He frowns.Af: "Ek weet nie, Annelie.En: "I don't know, Annelie.Af: Ek raak so senuweeagtig voor 'n groot gehoor.En: I get so nervous in front of a big audience."Af: " Annelie se skouers sak effens, maar sy gee nie moed op nie.En: Annelie's shoulders droop slightly, but she does not give up.Af: "O okay, maar wat van Pieter?En: "Oh okay, but what about Pieter?"Af: " sê sy.En: she says.Af: Pieter is talentvol, maar skaam.En: Pieter is talented but shy.Af: Hy skryf mooi gedigte, maar sukkel om sy stem oor die mikrofoon te laat klink.En: He writes beautiful poems but struggles to make his voice sound over the microphone.Af: Annelie glimlag verleidelik na Pieter.En: Annelie smiles enticingly at Pieter.Af: "Jou woorde is kragtig.En: "Your words are powerful.Af: Dit kan 'n spesiale tikkie aan ons lied gee.En: They can add a special touch to our song."Af: "Hulle oefen laat in die aand in die ouditorium terwyl die liggies sag flikker om hulle.En: They practice late into the evening in the auditorium while the lights softly flicker around them.Af: Annelie motiveer hulle.En: Annelie motivates them.Af: "Ons kan dit doen!En: "We can do this!Af: Ons moet net voorberei," sê sy met oortuiging.En: We just need to prepare," she says with conviction.Af: Johan oefen onophoudelik op sy kitaar, en Pieter begin gedigte hardop lees.En: Johan practices tirelessly on his guitar, and Pieter begins reading poems aloud.Af: Die drie werk hard en bou selfvertroue op.En: The three work hard and build confidence.Af: Op die aand van die talentvertoning is die ouditorium vol.En: On the night of the talent show, the auditorium is full.Af: Die liggies gloei en die gehoor is opgewonde.En: The lights glow, and the audience is...