Ascending Heights: Friendship and Triumph Below Table Mountain

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Ascending Heights: Friendship and Triumph Below Table Mountain Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: By die voet van Tafelberg strek die pad na die hemel.En: At the foot of Table Mountain, the road to the heavens stretches out.Af: Francois, Marietjie, en Kobus pak die roete aan met groot opgewondenheid.En: Francois, Marietjie, and Kobus embark on the trail with great excitement.Af: Dit is lente en die blomme bloei orals.En: It is spring, and flowers are blooming everywhere.Af: Francois hou sy kamera styf vas.En: Francois holds his camera tightly, determined to take the best photo of his life.Af: Hy is vasbeslote om die beste foto van sy lewe te neem.En: He wants to win the local photography competition.Af: Marietjie kyk op na die hoë kranse van die berg.En: Marietjie looks up at the high cliffs of the mountain.Af: Haar hart klop vinniger.En: Her heart beats faster.Af: Sy is bang vir hoogtes, maar sy wil nie agterbly nie.En: She's afraid of heights, but she doesn't want to be left behind.Af: Kobus, die laid-back neef, stap terwyl hy na al die plante en diere kyk.En: Kobus, the laid-back cousin, walks while observing all the plants and animals.Af: Hy dink aan die heerlike maaltyd wat hulle na die stap sal geniet.En: He thinks of the delicious meal they will enjoy after the hike.Af: Die paaie wind deur die groen terrein, en die vars briesie bring 'n gevoel van vrede.En: The paths wind through the green terrain, and the fresh breeze brings a sense of peace.Af: Francois stap vinnig, sy oog voortdurend op die horlosie.En: Francois walks quickly, his eyes constantly on the watch.Af: Die dagbreek nader en hy wil bo wees wanneer die eerste sonstrale die berg se kant tref.En: Dawn approaches, and he wants to be at the top when the first sun rays hit the mountain's side.Af: Maar Marietjie sukkel.En: But Marietjie struggles.Af: Sy bewe 'n bietjie terwyl sy vertel dat haar bene wiebelig voel.En: She trembles a bit as she says her legs feel wobbly.Af: Francois stop en kyk terug na sy vriende.En: Francois stops and looks back at his friends.Af: “Kobus, ons moet help,” sê hy, trou aan sy doel, maar bewus van sy verantwoordelikheid teenoor sy vriend.En: "Kobus, we need to help," he says, true to his goal but aware of his responsibility to his friend.Af: Kobus glimlag en sê: “Kom, Marietjie, ons vat dit stadig. Ons is almal hier vir jou.”En: Kobus smiles and says, "Come on, Marietjie, let's take it slow. We're all here for you."Af: Hulle kom tot stilstand by 'n plat klippieplek wat 'n perfekte kykpunt bied.En: They stop at a flat, rocky spot that offers a perfect viewpoint.Af: Francois druk Marietjie se hand en sê: “Ons kan dit doen. Net een stap op 'n slag.”En: Francois squeezes Marietjie's hand and says, "We can do this. Just one step at a time."Af: Marietjie haal diep asem en voel 'n golf van kalmte.En: Marietjie takes a deep breath and feels a wave of calm.Af: Kobus lag en vertel 'n grap om die spanning te breek.En: Kobus laughs and tells a joke to break the tension.Af: Die drie begin weer stap, hierdie keer stadiger maar meer vasberade.En: The three start walking again, this time slower but more determined.Af: Met die son wat stadig oor die oseaan opkom, is dit asof die wêreld om hulle...