Baboon Chase: A Table Mountain Adventure

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Baboon Chase: A Table Mountain Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Op 'n sonskyn oggend in die pragtige stad, Kaapstad, was daar 'n man genaamd Johan.En: On a sunny morning in the beautiful city of Cape Town, there was a man named Johan.Af: Johan was 'n avontuurlustige siel wat besluit het om die bekende Tafelberg te gaan verken.En: Johan was an adventurous soul who decided to explore the famous Table Mountain.Af: Hy was gewapen met 'n rugpak, 'n hoed om hom teen die son te beskerm, en 'n kaart wat hy by die plaaslike toerismekantoor opgetel het.En: He was armed with a backpack, a hat to shield himself from the sun, and a map he had picked up at the local tourism office.Af: Soos hy begin het om die berg te beklim, was die uitsig asemrowend.En: As he began to climb the mountain, the view was breathtaking.Af: Die lug was helder en die see blouer as wat Johan dit ooit gesien het.En: The sky was clear and the sea bluer than Johan had ever seen it.Af: Hy het nog altyd van vele dinge gedroom, maar vandag was sy droom om die top van Tafelberg te bereik.En: He had always dreamed of many things, but today his dream was to reach the top of Table Mountain.Af: Sy togt het goed begin.En: His journey started well.Af: Voëls het bo hom gesing en 'n sagte briesie het deur sy hare gewapper.En: Birds sang above him and a gentle breeze ruffled his hair.Af: Maar na 'n paar uur se stap, het iets ongewoons gebeur.En: But after a few hours of walking, something unusual happened.Af: 'n Groep stoutgat bobbejane het uit die struike verskyn en sonder waarskuwing het hulle Johan begin jaag!En: A group of mischievous baboons emerged from the bushes and without warning, they started chasing Johan!Af: Johan het geskrik, sy hart het vinnig begin klop en hy het sonder dink begin hardloop.En: Johan was scared, his heart began beating fast, and he started running without thinking.Af: Hy het oor rotse gespring en oor stroompies gespring om weg te kom van die skelmbobbejane wat agter hom aangehardloop het.En: He jumped over rocks and streams to get away from the baboons that were chasing him.Af: Vir 'n oomblik het hy gedink hy sou nie ontsnap nie.En: For a moment, he thought he wouldn't escape.Af: Terwyl hy asemloos hardloop en die pad voor hom kyk, sien Johan skielik 'n klein grot.En: As he ran breathlessly and looked ahead, Johan suddenly saw a small cave.Af: Met die bobbejane nog op sy hakke, draai hy vinnig om die hoek en skuil in die grot.En: With the baboons still on his heels, he quickly turned the corner and hid in the cave.Af: Hy hoor die bobbejane se harde blafgeluide nader kom en dan skielik stil word.En: He heard the baboons' loud barking getting closer and then suddenly becoming quiet.Af: Johan asem diep in en uit, dankbaar vir die oomblik van vrede.En: Johan took deep breaths, grateful for the moment of peace.Af: Maar dit was nie verby nie.En: But it wasn't over.Af: Johan het geweet hy moes 'n plan maak.En: Johan knew he had to make a plan.Af: Hy onthou toe iets wat hy gelees het oor hierdie slim diere.En: He remembered something he had read about these clever animals.Af: Johan het stadig sy rugpak oopgemaak en 'n appel uithaal wat hy as 'n versnapering gepak het.En: Johan slowly opened his backpack and took out an apple that he had packed as a snack.Af: Hy rol...