Botanical Breakthrough: Discovery at Kirstenbosch's Heart

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Botanical Breakthrough: Discovery at Kirstenbosch's Heart Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die wintermôre by Kirstenbosch Botaniese Tuin is koel en vars.En: The winter mornings at Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden are cool and fresh.Af: 'n Dun mis lê oor die groen heuwels.En: A thin mist lies over the green hills.Af: Pieter, 'n gepassioneerde botanis, stap met sy notaboek in sy hande.En: Pieter, a passionate botanist, walks with his notebook in hand.Af: Sy droom is om 'n nuwe plantvariant te ontdek.En: His dream is to discover a new plant variant.Af: Hy dink dit kan plantbewaring help.En: He thinks it could help plant conservation.Af: Annelise, die projekbestuurder, hou hom dop.En: Annelise, the project manager, keeps an eye on him.Af: Sy is deeglik en hou van planmeisnie.En: She is thorough and likes meticulous planning.Af: Sy wil seker maak dat die projek binne begroting bly.En: She wants to ensure the project stays within budget.Af: Pieter se idees is goed, maar sy is bekommerd oor die koste.En: Pieter's ideas are good, but she worries about the costs.Af: Hulle twee werk saam aan 'n belangrike projek.En: The two are working together on an important project.Af: Hulle wil die unieke plante van Suid-Afrika bewaar.En: They want to preserve the unique plants of South Africa.Af: Pieter weet van 'n gebied in die tuin waar hy 'n potensiële nuwe variant gesien het.En: Pieter knows of an area in the garden where he has spotted a potential new variant.Af: Maar dit is moeilik.En: But it is challenging.Af: Dit sal duur wees om verder te ondersoek.En: Investigating further would be expensive.Af: Pieter en Annelise gaan sit by 'n klipbankie.En: Pieter and Annelise sit on a stone bench.Af: Pieter sê dat hy moet waag.En: Pieter says he must take a risk.Af: Hy wil vinnig laboratoriumtoetse doen.En: He wants to conduct lab tests quickly.Af: Annelise frons.En: Annelise frowns.Af: Die begroting is styf.En: The budget is tight.Af: Hul tyd is min.En: Time is short.Af: Maar sy verstaan ook Pieter se passie.En: But she also understands Pieter's passion.Af: "Nog 'n kans kan ons groot resultate bring," sê hy.En: "Another chance might bring us great results," he says.Af: Annelise dink diep.En: Annelise thinks deeply.Af: Sy wil nie dat die projek misluk nie, maar sy weet ook dat ontdekkings eenders belangrik is.En: She doesn't want the project to fail, but she knows discoveries are equally important.Af: 'n Week later vind die klimaks plaas.En: A week later, the climax occurs.Af: Pieter keer terug van die gebied.En: Pieter returns from the area.Af: Sy oë blink.En: His eyes are shining.Af: Hy het iets gevind!En: He has found something!Af: Hy vra om meer hulpbronne.En: He asks for more resources.Af: Hy weet die toetse is dringend.En: He knows the tests are urgent.Af: Annelise voel die druk van die skenkers.En: Annelise feels the pressure from the donors.Af: Maar sy sien die hoop in Pieter se oë.En: But she sees the hope in Pieter's eyes.Af: "Goed," sê sy uiteindelik.En: "Alright," she finally says.Af: "Ons sal die laboratoriumtoetsen...