Brewing Connections: A Coffee Adventure in Stellenbosch

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Brewing Connections: A Coffee Adventure in Stellenbosch Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son gooi 'n warm, goudgeel gloed oor Stellenbosch.En: The sun casts a warm, golden glow over Stellenbosch.Af: In die hartjie van die dorp, weergalm die gesellige geroesemoes van 'n kafeerooster.En: In the heart of the town, the lively chatter of a coffee roaster echoes.Af: Die geur van vars gebrande koffie vul die lug.En: The aroma of freshly roasted coffee fills the air.Af: Annelie stap deur die deur, haar oë vol verwagting.En: Annelie walks through the door, her eyes full of anticipation.Af: Sy is 'n kosblogger op soek na inspirasie en nuwe ervarings.En: She is a food blogger in search of inspiration and new experiences.Af: Vandag is sy op haar eie avontuur in hierdie klein koffiewonderland.En: Today, she is on her own adventure in this small coffee wonderland.Af: Johan sit reeds aan 'n tafel, sy oë is vasgenael op die handgemonteerde plakkate aan die mure wat oor koffieboontjies vanoor die wêreld vertel.En: Johan is already seated at a table, his eyes fixed on the hand-mounted posters on the walls that tell tales of coffee beans from around the world.Af: Hy het onlangs Stellenbosch sy huis gemaak en soek na nuwe ervarings, hoewel hy dikwels huiwerig is oor nuwe ontmoetings.En: He has recently made Stellenbosch his home and seeks new experiences, although he often hesitates about new encounters.Af: Margo, die lewendige barista, waai vriendelik vir hulle albei.En: Margo, the vibrant barista, waves friendly to them both.Af: "Welkom by ons koffieproe!En: "Welcome to our coffee tasting!Af: Die spesiale mengsel vir vandag het 'n subtiele sjokolade-noot.En: Today's special blend has a subtle chocolate note.Af: Vat 'n sitplek en laat ons begin.En: Take a seat, and let's get started."Af: "Annelie glip op 'n stoel langs Johan.En: Annelie slips into a chair next to Johan.Af: "Ek is Annelie," sê sy met 'n glimlag.En: "I'm Annelie," she says with a smile.Af: Johan kyk op, effens verbaas oor haar vriendelikheid, maar kry sy stem.En: Johan looks up, slightly surprised by her friendliness, but finds his voice.Af: "Johan," groet hy terug, ietwat huiwerig maar oop vir geselskap.En: "Johan," he greets back, somewhat hesitant but open to company.Af: Die proesessie begin.En: The tasting session begins.Af: Margo verduidelik die geskiedenis van elke boontjie.En: Margo explains the history of each bean.Af: Annelie se oë blink van belangstelling.En: Annelie's eyes shine with interest.Af: Sy neem notas, elke nuwe smaak en geur 'n nuwe storie in haar boek.En: She takes notes, each new taste and aroma a new story in her book.Af: Johan proe aandagtig, sy oë soms op die tafel terwyl hy oor sy eie gedagtes nadink.En: Johan tastes attentively, his eyes sometimes on the table as he muses over his own thoughts.Af: Annelie wil haar passie deel.En: Annelie wants to share her passion.Af: Sy leun effens nader na Johan.En: She leans slightly closer to Johan.Af: "Ek het 'n blog oor kos en kultuur.En: "I have a blog about food and culture.Af: Ek sou graag my laaste artikel met jou wou deel," stel sy voor, effens onseker of sy te entoesiasties is.En: I'd love to share my latest article with you," she suggests, a bit unsure if she's being too...