Capturing Cape Town: A Journey from Fear to Friendship
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Capturing Cape Town: A Journey from Fear to Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son het helder oor Kaapstad geskyn, en die blomme van die lente het dwarsoor Tafelberg geblom.En: The sun shone brightly over Cape Town, and the spring flowers bloomed all over Table Mountain.Af: Die lug was vars, met 'n strelende briesie wat die skooluitstappie na die berg 'n avontuur gemaak het.En: The air was fresh, with a soothing breeze that turned the school trip to the mountain into an adventure.Af: Johan was opgewonde, maar ook senuweeagtig.En: Johan was excited but also nervous.Af: Hy was 'n stil hoërskoolseun met 'n groot liefde vir fotografie.En: He was a quiet high school student with a great love for photography.Af: Hy het gedroom om die perfekte foto van die uitsig bo-op die berg te neem vir die skoolkompetisie.En: He dreamed of taking the perfect photo of the view from the top of the mountain for the school competition.Af: Maar Johan het dikwels getwyfel aan sy eie vaardighede, veral wanneer hy aan Anika gedink het.En: But Johan often doubted his own abilities, especially when he thought of Anika.Af: Anika was 'n populêre klasmaat en was ook in die kompetisie.En: Anika was a popular classmate and was also in the competition.Af: Sy het natuurlike talent met 'n kamera gehad en Johan was geïntimideer deur haar.En: She had a natural talent with a camera, and Johan felt intimidated by her.Af: Terwyl die klasmaats die gestaptes gevolg het, het Johan 'n plan gemaak.En: As the classmates followed the trail, Johan made a plan.Af: Hy het besluit om die gewone roete te verlaat en 'n unieke plekkie te soek vir sy foto.En: He decided to leave the usual path and search for a unique spot for his photo.Af: Sy hart het vinniger geklop toe hy 'n afgesonderde paadjie inslaan.En: His heart beat faster as he took a solitary trail.Af: Die uitsig was asemrowend.En: The view was breathtaking.Af: Van die rand van die berg kon hy die hele stad sien.En: From the edge of the mountain, he could see the entire city.Af: Johan het sy kamera voorberei, maar dan, in 'n oomblik van onoplettendheid, het sy voet gegly.En: Johan prepared his camera, but then, in a moment of inattention, his foot slipped.Af: Hy het gevoel hoe hy na die kant van die afgrond val.En: He felt himself falling toward the edge of the cliff.Af: Sy maag draai toe hy besef hoe naby hy aan gevaar was.En: His stomach turned as he realized how close he was to danger.Af: Net toe Johan gedink het hy gaan val, het 'n sterk hand sy arm gekry.En: Just when Johan thought he would fall, a strong hand grabbed his arm.Af: Dit was Anika.En: It was Anika.Af: Sy het hom na veiligheid toe teruggetrek.En: She pulled him back to safety.Af: Johan se asem was vinnig en rukkerig.En: Johan's breath was fast and shaky.Af: "Dankie," het hy in 'n sagte stem gesê, toe sy die skok in sy oë opgemerk het.En: "Thank you," he said in a soft voice, as she noticed the shock in his eyes.Af: Anika het geglimlag en gesê, "Kyk om jou, Johan.En: Anika smiled and said, "Look around you, Johan.Af: Hier is soveel skoonheid wat jy kan vasvang.En: There's so much beauty you can capture here."Af: " Johan het besef dat sy reg was.En: Johan realized she was right.Af: Hy...